The Official Connie Appreciation Thread


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Damn! Am I late for the gangbang?


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way late, you can get us all a towel tho, thanks.


Reinvent Your Shell!
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I'm not feeling the love...


I still ruv you

(EDIT: why in the actual f**k did my autocorrect think I wanted to write 'hoy' instead of you? That wasn't even english last time I checked..)


Reinvent Your Shell!
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Hahahaha autocorrect hates everyone. Google voice too. That thing is such a tard...


Yeah I swear they make it the way it is to troll people, I'm endlessly sending awkward messages thanks to autocorrect, the most common being 'I'll be there in a sex' but it's done some much more elaborate ones that actually look correct and then when I try to explain that it was my dumb phone they're like 'suuuuuure, whatever...'


^ haha that's true, you never know what could transpire

There was also a single occasion in my entire sordid history of dealing with autocorrect where it actually put a word that worked better than the one I meant to write, so there's that too

They should have a marketing campaign

'autocorrect: we help you get laid by putting naughty words where you meant to write regular ones and then the person you're talking to reveals their secret desire for you!'
