What are you doing / did you do today / CHAT THREAD

Wreckless Hype

Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Oh my god, I f**king hate you guys...

I googled it. Now I'm playing Cookie Clicker also.

Least productive day at work, ever.

Wreckless Hype

Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
i've created a monster.....cookie monster?
That was at 1000 CPS, I'm like 15k CPS now and no signs of slowing down.

So this will be my day. Maybe I'll post where I'm at by 4:30 when I leave just for fun :D

Edit: f**k me, you can move save data to different PCs?! Noooooooo!


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Lol! It's so simple, yet so addictive. I think I sank like 3 hours into that game. I still have my save file somewhere, just in case I ever really want to play again.... and I might. You're making me want to click cookies right now, but it would be too obvious at my work. My boss does games research. He knows what a mouse sounds like when it's being used for non-work purposes. :lol:


out on bail
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Lol! It's so simple, yet so addictive. I think I sank like 3 hours into that game. I still have my save file somewhere, just in case I ever really want to play again.... and I might. You're making me want to click cookies right now, but it would be too obvious at my work. My boss does games research. He knows what a mouse sounds like when it's being used for non-work purposes. :lol:



Wreckless Hype

Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Lol! It's so simple, yet so addictive. I think I sank like 3 hours into that game. I still have my save file somewhere, just in case I ever really want to play again.... and I might. You're making me want to click cookies right now, but it would be too obvious at my work. My boss does games research. He knows what a mouse sounds like when it's being used for non-work purposes. :lol:
Turn on "Mouse Keys" in Ease of Access center, set to use keypad with num lock it, finger f**k the s**t out of the 5 key, win :D


Boost Junkie
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Not even gonna play that s**t! Playing Chrono Trigger for SNES when I can sneak it in at work today :lol: gotta love getting paid to play vidjya games, right?


Mud, Blood, Beer
Registered VIP
Not even gonna play that s***! Playing Chrono Trigger for SNES when I can sneak it in at work today :lol: gotta love getting paid to play vidjya games, right?
nice, i was playing nes tecmo bowl earlier this morning. f**king slooow

Wreckless Hype

Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
lol, you might have a problem
For every problem, there is a solution. I'm sitting next to an engineer who is on speaker phone with 2 Lear Jet reps and I'm mashing the hell out of the 5 key, no one bats an eye. :lol:

May try to beat Ecco The Dolphin this weekend. Back story, I assume is the same as most of everyone's. In short, that game was f**king impossible as a kid. On PS3 Sega pack, was playing it last weekend completely shitfaced for fun and got to like, level 5 or whatever. Way further than I ever got as a kid actually trying. f**k that game. I need to beat it just so I can flip it off when I'm done.


out on bail
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:lol: if Chris is reading this post right now he is shaking his head


Mud, Blood, Beer
Registered VIP
For every problem, there is a solution. I'm sitting next to an engineer who is on speaker phone with 2 Lear Jet reps and I'm mashing the hell out of the 5 key, no one bats an eye. :lol:

May try to beat Ecco The Dolphin this weekend. Back story, I assume is the same as most of everyone's. In short, that game was f***ing impossible as a kid. On PS3 Sega pack, was playing it last weekend completely s***faced for fun and got to like, level 5 or whatever. Way further than I ever got as a kid actually trying. f*** that game. I need to beat it just so I can flip it off when I'm done.
i hated ecco so f**king bad. i burned the cartridge back when i had my genesis. that game can f**k off. it's all about 2 crude dudes.
