Zoom zoom zoom...wait what?

Road Pirate

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Well, finally got my rotors in. Super heavy but great quality. Can't wait to throw them on!


Hell yea I suck toes!
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.:thumbs up


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Lookin good man. What's the size on the tires?

Road Pirate

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Awesome, good to hear some positive feedback on the tires. I heard people love them, but hate them for snow/rain. But again, it IS a performance tire, what else would you expect? haha.

Anywho, got my semi-rare OEM Mazda R package spoiler! Very excited to finally get this. I've been on the hunt for a OEM spoiler for so long, and found one at a price I couldn't say no too. It is black, but it will be painted mariner blue along with my hardtop, hopefully next week.

Excuse the crappy pics =/


captin sleep0
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lips getting paint too? did you ever show the body damage your dad caused?

Road Pirate

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Lips are staying black, and nah I didn't haha. I'll get pics soon, I'm doing the brake upgrade at the moment.

Road Pirate

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Alrighty..I did my brake upgrade, feels about the same, but thats just regular driving. Looks much better and I also painted the calipers haha.

Here's the size comparison between the old and the new caliper brackets..
Fronts: (older on the left, newer on the right)

Rears: (newer on the left, older on the right)

Here's a picture showing you the difference in size between the old and the new (new on the bottom)

Fronts installed

Rears installed

Hope you all approve!

Road Pirate

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Tires and brakes make me happy! Haha =)

I get my wheels next Tuesday...woo!

Who the hell knows where my roll bar is =/

Road Pirate

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Well, I got off my first job, to come to my second job and find this lovely box waiting for me..

My roll bar! Came much quicker than expected.

I'll be installing it later this evening probably, and I'll post up more pics! Still waiting for my padding, should be here somewhat soon =)


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Awesome, good to hear some positive feedback on the tires. I heard people love them, but hate them for snow/rain. But again, it IS a performance tire, what else would you expect? haha.

I did auto cross with them, freakin loved how they performed dude (and that was on a un-balanced fwd Civic, pff. imgine on the Miata :drool:). You will love the way they perform, i guarantee it.

Nice rotors, first thing that came to my mind was 'Rotoras'

Road Pirate

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Awesome man, glad to hear! Can't wait to get my wheels in!

So, did my roll bar install. Some of you may remember how the back of my miata had custom rear speakers, and the whole backside underneath the carpet was covered in dinomat? Now I know why it was covered in that...I think I need a tetnis shot after working with all that rust O_O

But, I scraped off what I can, I will be replacing my fuel pump cover (thats the GIANT piece in the center thats all rusted), and the brace soon. (second picture).

Everything else was still clean, no rust spots on the actual car which is good lol.

Anywho, here's the finished product! Don't mind the super dirty car lol



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Nice...I just ordered two of these myself...one of the short and one tall bar...both double diagonals as well...how did you get the crack in the hardtop glass...


Hell yea I suck toes!
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Road Pirate

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Nice...I just ordered two of these myself...one of the short and one tall bar...both double diagonals as well...how did you get the crack in the hardtop glass...
Nice man. I love the bar, should of done this a long time ago. BTW, where the hell is your build? Post it up here or on CR! The cracks been there since I got the top, it's one of the main reasons why I picked it up so cheap lol.

Looks great :thumbs up


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I want pictures of the bar with the top off. Looks much sexier that way.
