Illegal imigrants what you thing !!


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there needs to be a limit on people entering this country legally, 2 many people in this country causing to many problems (taxes, pollution...) and if an illegal immigrant breaks a crime (any crime) deport his ass

$lick Rick

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and if an illegal immigrant breaks a crime (any crime) deport his ass
there in lies a bigger problem

we already deport most illegals who commit a crime, but they're right back in the country a few days later still undocumented and still untraceable. this is a problem when we're talking about violent people, rapists, child molesters etc etc

i'm not saying that illegals are the only ones commiting these types of crimes by any stretch of the imagination, but when a us citizen is caught commiting these crimes they are prosecuted, sentenced, and then monitored for years afterwards

simply deporting them may theoretically save us money, but it's at the cost of safety and accountability


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simply deporting them may theoretically save us money, but it's at the cost of safety and accountability
sending back is the only logical solution.. you cant just allow some f**ker to sneek into the country, and assume some random fake life.. and then just pat him on the back when hes found out and say.. oh its ok.. here come live in america.. after all you are here anyway.. send them the f**k back.. finger print them.. warn them that its some act of f**king terrorism.. and a SECOND offense is punishable by death... i bet that would be a serious deterant..

$lick Rick

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sending back is the only logical solution.. you cant just allow some f**ker to sneek into the country, and assume some random fake life.. and then just pat him on the back when hes found out and say.. oh its ok.. here come live in america.. after all you are here anyway.. send them the f**k back.. finger print them.. warn them that its some act of f**king terrorism.. and a SECOND offense is punishable by death... i bet that would be a serious deterant..
sending them back is the only logical sollution........ IF you can assure that they wont be back almost immediately

otherwise we shouldnt bother wasting the gas, time, or effort of deporting them

punishable by death would be a great deterant for allot of crimes, it's just not realistic right now

what would be ideal is for mexico's government to take some accountability and house, deport, and punish the criminals caught in america


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mexico encourages these types of things.... To clear the "they do jobs americans dont" excuse. Well think about it for a second y wont we do these jobs? Its hard work? Think about it really y wouldnt u do one of these jobs? I can tell u the main reason, its the pay..... illegals do a shitty job dirt cheap instead of and american doing a shitty job for adequate pay(depeding on job). Thats the main reason..... Somebody mentioned fast food as one of them ok workin at mcdonalds would suck so bad when u makin $10 an hour at 16-17yrs old would it? s**t even at 18-20 still not too bad i make less than that an hours right now. Who do u think did these jobs before the invasion(the illegal problem)????? This country was built on hard work from americans as well as slaves and immigrant workers. Say ur an american citizen and ur a plumber by occupation, pretty respecable job, no? U make $22 an hour. Now along comes mr. illegal that picked up some plumbing skills and he as good about the same as u but he will do the job for $16 an hour and theres more guys like that behind him. Whats gonna happen to u? Ur out of business or working for $16 an hour too.... nice huh. New orleans i hear is gettin flooded with illegals its all different now. They got it made here. If u didnt have s**t and just over a fence there was work, free healthcare, and school for ur kids, all 7 of them, i would sneak in too......We have to take away whats bringing them here a wall isnt going to do the job. The government is definatly faking interest in stoping this. For the problem that was mentioned, "what about ppl that have kids here but the parents r illegal?". They could give the option of taking their kid with them and goin back to where they came from or they can choose to stay with their legal members of their family by earning their own legal citizenship. Simple as that. I think its funny when somebody mentions illegal immigrants the latinos get all pissy like they r the only immigrantsm, though they r the majority of the problem. It also seems ass backwards to go to a foreign country and expect to be catered to and everybody should adapt to u? WHAT KIND OF f**kED UP WAY OF THINKING IS THAT!!!?!?!!? The would is full of a bunch of pussies its descusting. "tough s**t" anybody ever heard of that im startin to think not many have. In that video clip showing illegal immigrant supporters defacing the american flag, cant u be arrested for that wtf i could have swore that was illegal last i heard........ I saw a lot of ppl i would have liked to execute with a single shot to the head in the video........anyways bottom line is the government doesnt care to end it and slowly the middle class is fading out because of it and soon theres gonna be the fat cats and the poor and im no where near the top......... Hey im thinkin about selling my citizenship and leaving this country its pissing me off more and more, got any illegal friends that wanna buy it lol?


10 psi seems like a dream
Eveyrone Need ot Leave this topic alone .

Everyone hate on the illegal immgrant because he jump`s the boder to come and work hard for what he can earn and get and send back home and waste here and there.

Dont get me wrong there a re a few who are just a*****e`s but that like 10 percent of the 100 percent who come here for the reason to work hard and provide food and money for the familie`s back home you gotta look at it like this if you didnt live here and were in some poor invorment you gotta hustla to provide man s**t wat better place to do it then in the USA .

Every Illegal immgrant,I know work`s 3 job`s to provide man it sad wat they get paid but your like do it legally

VISA to Work in the USA take 6 months to file and that if you qualify.


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Eveyrone Need ot Leave this topic alone .

Everyone hate on the illegal immgrant because he jump`s the boder to come and work hard for what he can earn and get and send back home and waste here and there.

Dont get me wrong there a re a few who are just a*****e`s but that like 10 percent of the 100 percent who come here for the reason to work hard and provide food and money for the familie`s back home you gotta look at it like this if you didnt live here and were in some poor invorment you gotta hustla to provide man s**t wat better place to do it then in the USA .

Every Illegal immgrant,I know work`s 3 job`s to provide man it sad wat they get paid but your like do it legally

VISA to Work in the USA take 6 months to file and that if you qualify.



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i dont know how i feel on this topic. Yes i feel we should not have tons off illegals coming into our country. But all of us are from that same thing. So i dunno


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Ok, so the mexicans are coming in, working at fast food joints, nurseries or factories. So f**kin go to school, get an education and get yourself a career that these f**kin unqualified illegals can't take from you. Crying about it over a post on the net isn't going to solve s**t. Now these f**kin Asians (Indians included) are coming in, getting an education (alot of the times for free or little money) and taking all the GOOD jobs of america but all I hear you crying about is the s**t stinking mexicans. You guys sound even more stupid than the illegal mexicans trying to speak spanish through the drive through speaker at Wendy's. WTF! :what:


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how many of those asians and indians do u know r illegals? not if they r goin to school so i dont see how that part is relavent...........


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how many of those asians and indians do u know r illegals? not if they r goin to school so i dont see how that part is relavent...........
Not many but it seems like the legal immigrants are taking the good jobs while the illegal immigrants are taking all the shitty jobs. Still I hear you guys b***h about the illegal mexicans when they're taking the jobs that nobody wants. Maybe people should focus their hatred towards immigrants in general instead of greasy mexicans like I do


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i dont mind legal immigrants they did what they needed to to come here legally so i respect that and think they earned where they r at. As far as the s**t jobs that u mentioned i was just using those as a example. Again nobody wants them and they r dubbed "s**t jobs" cuz of the sorry ass pay. If the money was better somebody american would do it, trust me.... If u worried about ppl coming over and taking the good jobs that just means u gotta step ur game up and be better. Competition for jobs is nothing new americans have been competeing for jobs for a long time........... i think im done with this thread.....


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For the record...

I'm not worried about anyone taking the jobs I'm qualified for. I'm worried about those jobs going somewhere else, like to another country....


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how many of those asians and indians do u know r illegals? not if they r goin to school so i dont see how that part is relavent...........
Who's paying for their school?

Why are they entitled to free education?

Cut that s**t off and they'll stay in their own country to provide us with barely understandable technical support by phone.

...and I like the Asian immigrants. Most that I've met are proud of their origins but love the opportunities they get from being an American citizen.

Those self-satisfied, smug, pompous ass Persians piss me off. If the United States sucks so bad f**king then leave a*****e! Go back to your Islamic totalitarian High desert shithole and help stone your sister to death for texting a male that she is not arranged to marry.

$lick Rick

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Those self-satisfied, smug, pompous ass Persians piss me off. If the United States sucks so bad f**king then leave a*****e! Go back to your Islamic totalitarian High desert shithole and help stone your sister to death for texting a male that she is not arranged to marry.
better watch what you say about the persians....



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Yeah not to many of them wanna be septic service technician's!

:lol: That s**t's funny but.....

My driving record is so bad with many points that no company would insure me to drive ANY of their vehicles


10 psi seems like a dream
All,I know is Astheors said it best.

If The United State`s goverment was to eject every damn illegal immgrant in this country mexican indian ,I dun care if youfrom indo china illegal and they were all deported USA Would come to a STAND STILL.

From Factorie`s to you local gardener to you Wendy`s.

There an illegal immgrant producin every kinda product you can think of there a sweat shop and ther ein there making it .

So blah somoene came here illegal and took a job for 4 bucks an hour WHO HONESTLY CARE~S.

