Illegal imigrants what you thing !!


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I cant believe that to this day people keep trying to argue that Illegal Immigrants dont pay taxes...i wander then who the hell is adding to the major fund the ss system has in unclaimed tax refunds. just read

and melt.......can you get your facts from somewhere else other than a hick website put up by one man. s**t i can post up some info myself online and i guess then people can use it as a reputable source for information...cmon man.


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Well you forgot one little thing, workers who are in the country illegally use a false Social Security number to obtain these jobs! Besides to say that the majority of undocumented workers in the in Country pay their taxes is a freaking joke (sure when they by products they pay sales tax).

They cannot obey simply laws period and to think that the average U.S. citizen or the Country as a whole is benefiting from the hoards of illegals is ridiculous!


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Well you forgot one little thing, workers who are in the country illegally use a false Social Security number to obtain these jobs! Besides to say that the majority of undocumented workers in the in Country pay their taxes is a freaking joke (sure when they by products they pay sales tax).

They cannot obey simply laws period and to think that the average U.S. citizen or the Country as a whole is benefiting from the hoards of illegals is ridiculous!

what exactly does your site mean by 'skilled jobs'...i didnt know picking vegetables required skills.

lmao at your comment about false social security think the us govt is like 'excuse me...this is a false ss number so i wont deduct any taxes until you get me a real one" haha....goes more like 'i know this is a fake number but imma deduct taxes as if it was real' then when it comes time for tax refunds i know you wont be able to claim it since its a false number youre just using to land a job and ill keep all the money that would otherwise have been returned if it had been a legal n umber.....cmon...i dont like to call people stupid but it hink you deserve it after your last post.

and actually for you to think that illegal immigrants dont do anything for this country is ridicolous...i mean cmon....who cooked your cheeseburger last time you ate one....who landscaping your neighbor's yard....who does the work on your car when you dont want to pay dealership the hell do you think all the vegetables your mom bought at the supermarket for your ass to eat got there.

etc etc....all i ask for you people is to read two sided facts and sources....i am not saying immigrants dont use up resources....all i am saying is that they give more than they other words...the USA is making profits from illegal immigration.

kinda like a business...of course youll have gotta pay your workers....but you dont care cause the money theyre making you is more than what you pay them.


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what exactly does your site mean by 'skilled jobs'...i didnt know picking vegetables required skills.

Framing houses for one!

lmao at your comment about false social security think the us govt is like 'excuse me...this is a false ss number so i wont deduct any taxes until you get me a real one" haha....goes more like 'i know this is a fake number but imma deduct taxes as if it was real' then when it comes time for tax refunds i know you wont be able to claim it since its a false number youre just using to land a job and ill keep all the money that would otherwise have been returned if it had been a legal n umber.....cmon...i dont like to call people stupid but it hink you deserve it after your last post.

Well moron as far as cabbage pickers (no most employers don't require a SS card) however some other jobs do! Lets not forget that a good number of illegals are actually stealing some peoples identity in the process and sucking things like our health care & welfare system dry! If the ones that are illegal don't get tax refunds of benefits well f**k em' IMO they are here (illegally) and can leave if they don't like it! Beside the vast majority of money that illegals make ends up going to Mexico which also hurts our economy. We have liberal ass hats like you in the Country that think hey it's ok to flood these f**kers in here and well look where it has gotten us! They are costing us billions upon billions of dollars (the legal taxpayer) they have brought gangs here, disease and so on! You try and make the argument that they pay taxes and that makes it OK for them to be here however the fact is that some do pay taxes however as a whole they use up far far more resources then they give back (fact)!

and actually for you to think that illegal immigrants dont do anything for this country is ridicolous...i mean cmon....who cooked your cheeseburger last time you ate one

A white high school kid (legal BTW)!

....who landscaping your neighbor's yard....

My neighbor!

who does the work on your car when you dont want to pay dealership prices....

Sure as hell not someone named juan that cannot speak English!

how the hell do you think all the vegetables your mom bought at the supermarket for your ass to eat got there.

Well Jr I don't live @ home with mommy like you, besides who the f**k do you think picked that s**t before all the Mexicans flooded the Country (here's a guess a legal American citizen)!

etc etc....all i ask for you people is to read two sided facts and sources....i am not saying immigrants dont use up resources....all i am saying is that they give more than they other words...the USA is making profits from illegal immigration.

You are f**king blind, go to your Jr college and take a economics need it!

kinda like a business...of course youll have gotta pay your workers....but you dont care cause the money theyre making you is more than what you pay them.


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first better slow down there younging.....looks like youre headed straight to banville if you ask me...
secondly....all these assumptions you made about me...haha...i laugh at them.

and as corny as this is......the nile is not just a river in egypt....and since i see you cant have an educated conversation without running your mouth like a typical e-thug...ill stop right here.



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anyone who supports people illegally entering the country
STEALING the identify of REAL American citizens...
STEALING free health services and other government hand outs...

to me is an idiot.. maybe you know some illegal immigrants and they are nice... maybe YOU are an illegal immigrant and YOU are nice.. that does NOT f**king matter in the BIG picture... you cant let random people just come into the country without being accounted for, this is a HUGE security issue.. want to come live in America? I have NO issue with that.. follow the correct channels and do that... we have a hard enough time taking care of people who are actually members of our country.. let alone worrying about the welfare of some a*****e who wants to take the quick shortcut to coming into this country.... a country can only hold so many people.. a country only has so many resources.. you cant just open borders and have some huge f**king free for all come and go as you please attitude... people need to understand that sure in an ideal world everything is all puppies and rainbows.. and everyone comes to America and is happy... but careful consideration has to be given to the maximum amount of people the country can physically support.. but at the end of the day.. SNEAKING into a country STEALING someone's identity even if you have a shity life where you come from.. is NOT ok..

imagine.. you work hard all your life.. wife is pregnant.. and you are about to buy your first home.. there you are.. at the bank getting the loan s**t done.. and BAM.. they are like.. sorry sir.. oddly over the past 6 months your credit has dramatically lowered.. it appears you have a lot of outstanding bills in (insert some state on the other side of the country).. in fact you are even in collections with some of these people.. im sorry we cant help you.. you try to explain.. you know nothing about them...

prepare for taking the next several years trying to straighen out that mess.. UNABLE to now buy a home... identity theft is SO f**ked up.. because it takes people who HAVE done the right thing.. and CRUSHES all the work they have done..

do all illegal immigrants not pay bills or steal from the system.. no of course not.. BUT again that does not change the big picture..

want to come to america.. do it the correct way.. get your own identity.. own bills.. your own life..
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anyone who supports people illegally entering the country
STEALING the identify of REAL American citizens...
STEALING free health services and other government hand outs...

to me is an idiot.. maybe you know some illegal immigrants and they are nice... maybe YOU are an illegal immigrant and YOU are nice.. that does NOT f**king matter in the BIG picture... you cant let random people just come into the country without being accounted for, this is a HUGE security issue.. want to come live in America? I have NO issue with that.. follow the correct channels and do that... we have a hard enough time taking care of people who are actually members of our country.. let alone worrying about the welfare of some a*****e who wants to take the quick shortcut to coming into this country.... a country can only hold so many people.. a country only has so many resources.. you cant just open borders and have some huge f**king free for all come and go as you please attitude... people need to understand that sure in an ideal world everything is all puppies and rainbows.. and everyone comes to America and is happy... but careful consideration has to be given to the maximum amount of people the country can physically support.. but at the end of the day.. SNEAKING into a country STEALING someone's identity even if you have a shity life where you come from.. is NOT ok..

imagine.. you work hard all your life.. wife is pregnant.. and you are about to buy your first home.. there you are.. at the bank getting the loan s**t done.. and BAM.. they are like.. sorry sir.. oddly over the past 6 months your credit has dramatically lowered.. it appears you have a lot of outstanding bills in (insert some state on the other side of the country).. in fact you are even in collections with some of these people.. im sorry we cant help you.. you try to explain.. you know nothing about them...

prepare for taking the next several years trying to straighen out that mess.. UNABLE to now buy a home... identity theft is SO f**ked up.. because it takes people who HAVE done the right thing.. and CRUSHES all the work they have done..

do all illegal immigrants not pay bills or steal from the system.. no of course not.. BUT again that does not change the big picture..

want to come to america.. do it the correct way.. get your own identity.. own bills.. your own life..
i for sure dont support illegal immigration.
ive had my identity stolen, and yes it does suck.
i don think illlegal immigration to the usa will ever stop.

there's this photo place over here in chicago called Munoz Foto, they were selling fake i.ds, passports, and stuff like that.. supposaly they got bust, i went over by the area thursday and the place is still open. i was just currious and wanted to see how the place looked, i wassurprised it was still open, dont know whats going on there.


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anyone who supports people illegally entering the country
STEALING the identify of REAL American citizens...
STEALING free health services and other government hand outs...

to me is an idiot.. maybe you know some illegal immigrants and they are nice... maybe YOU are an illegal immigrant and YOU are nice.. that does NOT f**king matter in the BIG picture... you cant let random people just come into the country without being accounted for, this is a HUGE security issue.. want to come live in America? I have NO issue with that.. follow the correct channels and do that... we have a hard enough time taking care of people who are actually members of our country.. let alone worrying about the welfare of some a*****e who wants to take the quick shortcut to coming into this country.... a country can only hold so many people.. a country only has so many resources.. you cant just open borders and have some huge f**king free for all come and go as you please attitude... people need to understand that sure in an ideal world everything is all puppies and rainbows.. and everyone comes to America and is happy... but careful consideration has to be given to the maximum amount of people the country can physically support.. but at the end of the day.. SNEAKING into a country STEALING someone's identity even if you have a shity life where you come from.. is NOT ok..

imagine.. you work hard all your life.. wife is pregnant.. and you are about to buy your first home.. there you are.. at the bank getting the loan s**t done.. and BAM.. they are like.. sorry sir.. oddly over the past 6 months your credit has dramatically lowered.. it appears you have a lot of outstanding bills in (insert some state on the other side of the country).. in fact you are even in collections with some of these people.. im sorry we cant help you.. you try to explain.. you know nothing about them...

prepare for taking the next several years trying to straighen out that mess.. UNABLE to now buy a home... identity theft is SO f**ked up.. because it takes people who HAVE done the right thing.. and CRUSHES all the work they have done..

do all illegal immigrants not pay bills or steal from the system.. no of course not.. BUT again that does not change the big picture..

want to come to america.. do it the correct way.. get your own identity.. own bills.. your own life..
chill out man...this is the problem with people who think the way you do....i am all cool beans cause youre entitled to your ideas and opinions but you guys turn a blind eye to what others say if they dont agree with you..

no one has said hey let everyone come in here illegaly...i dont support illegal immigration...i wish the USA had a better system in place for legal migration....however they dont and people come cant stop them.....

all ive ever said is that people have to recognize what they bring guys all talk this bullshit about how they suck up so much....identity theft....etc....most illegal immigrants dont commit identity theft.....most identity theft is the result of educated americans that know how to use the stop blaming people for s**t they dont do just cause you want a scapegoat.....stop assuming that they commit crime jsut cause they have no papers...cmon people...youre old....i am sure youre smart enough than to lead your life basing your knowledge on opininos and not facts....

stop getting your panties in a bunch.....i rarely get upset when trying to make my points in all these controversial topics cc has...but all these anti-immigration, war.....people are always trying to go out and beat someone it cause its frustrating to have all the s**t you say be overturned by facts.....


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have you guys ever though as to why the US gov't wont do anything about illegal you mean to tell me they have the biggest military in the world..the most advance technology in almost every field.....the most money and resources...etc.etc.....but yet they cant stop Pablo from jumping a fence or digging a hole in the ground.....

think people think......the US Govt wants them here....yeah theyll say they dont....cause it appeases Americans like you...and make you think that the govt is really really trying but poor them....theyre outsmarted by f**king 10-50 yrs getting across a wide open and visible border.....


unfortunately to them its a necessity not a desire.

the govt would never allow something to happen in this country if it is not ultimately bringing wealth to the**king drugs.


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have you guys ever though as to why the US gov't wont do anything about illegal you mean to tell me they have the biggest military in the world..the most advance technology in almost every field.....the most money and resources...etc.etc.....but yet they cant stop Pablo from jumping a fence or digging a hole in the ground.....

think people think......the US Govt wants them here....yeah theyll say they dont....cause it appeases Americans like you...and make you think that the govt is really really trying but poor them....theyre outsmarted by f**king 10-50 yrs getting across a wide open and visible border.....


unfortunately to them its a necessity not a desire.

the govt would never allow something to happen in this country if it is not ultimately bringing wealth to the**king drugs.
well said antonio.


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chill out man...this is the problem with people who think the way you do....i am all cool beans cause youre entitled to your ideas and opinions but you guys turn a blind eye to what others say if they dont agree with you..

no one has said hey let everyone come in here illegaly...i dont support illegal immigration...i wish the USA had a better system in place for legal migration....however they dont and people come cant stop them.....

all ive ever said is that people have to recognize what they bring guys all talk this bullshit about how they suck up so much....identity theft....etc....most illegal immigrants dont commit identity theft.....most identity theft is the result of educated americans that know how to use the stop blaming people for s**t they dont do just cause you want a scapegoat.....stop assuming that they commit crime jsut cause they have no papers...cmon people...youre old....i am sure youre smart enough than to lead your life basing your knowledge on opininos and not facts....

stop getting your panties in a bunch.....i rarely get upset when trying to make my points in all these controversial topics cc has...but all these anti-immigration, war.....people are always trying to go out and beat someone it cause its frustrating to have all the s**t you say be overturned by facts.....

i dont want people sneaking into the country.. unaccountable with nothing to lose.. living in my community.. if you want people like that living by you more power to you.. the reality is you CAN legally come to this country.. you way you wish the US had a "better" system for legal immigration.. if by better you mean easier? then i totally disagree... the last thing we need is more people jumping in to leech off of our already overly providing government... its funny.. in the US you sit on your fat ass at home popping out kid after kid.. and what does the government do? they reward your fat lazy ass through government provided help.. myself on the other hand.. working every day.. providing for my family.. help? nope i "make too much"... sure i make a decent living.. but then my government ROBS me of my earnings for things that "are for my best interest".. like unemployment.. f**king USELESS.. because i will never be unemployed.. so instead.. the government takes my money and gives it to that lazy ass sitting at home on f**king welfare... you might ask "what does this have to do with illegals"... well its simple... you say illegals come in and do the jobs we dont want to.. i say ship those f**kers home.. make them come in correctly or not at all.. and THEN take all those pieces of s**t sitting home collecting a check.. and send them to work all the s**t jobs "no one else wants to do".. make it NOT optional... maybe so many people "us citizens" have to go on unemployment because they are too uneducated to get higher paying jobs.. and the jobs they are qualified for are filled by all these other people sneeking in from other countries... if illegals contribute HALF as much as you say.. deporting them all should greatly reduce out unemployment problems...


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I was in the 6th grade when I took this pic :cool:



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it wont and it cant be stoped no matter what, it been going on for years and years.


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it wont and it cant be stoped no matter what, it been going on for years and years.
you can dramatically reduce it by putting in place more strict penalties...

look at the useless war on drugs.. and the equally useless war on terrorism..


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you can dramatically reduce it by putting in place more strict penalties...

look at the useless war on drugs.. and the equally useless war on terrorism..

of course, but just like drugs, i dont think it will stop.

it's a difficult issue, i'll help out by remaining legal.
The people that say "just shoot em at the border"
im sure you're just kidding around. That would cause
alot more problems.


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of course, but just like drugs, i dont think it will stop.

it's a difficult issue, i'll help out by remaining legal.
The people that say "just shoot em at the border"
im sure you're just kidding around. That would cause
alot more problems.

would it? i mean honestly.. as long as there was enough signage disclosing that you were about to enter a secure area.. and stating that violators would be killed on site.. i bet that would SERIOUSLY deter illegals if not stop it all together.. i mean lets face it.. youd get all the rednecks living on the border just waiting for some to cros.. and if i were in mexico.. as shitty as it might be.. i sure as hell would not want to be shot by some crazy redneck...

and then people cry and say to be compasionate they have bad lives there... i say the whole world is suffering... there are a lot of shitty places in the world... it is NOT our job to right all the wrongs in the world.....
