Caught a member from here doing bad on another forum


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Long story short-

I get an email asking why someone is using my photos (from my photobcket) on a Chicago forum- selling one of our wallets, for more than found on all the forums I post on, and our website.

After some talking to the person I find out he paid a week ago and didn't recieve the wallet.

I get the sellers email and link to the add. Sure enough- be has a picture of a BLUE wallet- check the IMG properties, and it was taken from my photobucket account.

Also- his ad says that he bought 2, and his cousins gf got one for him so now he has an extra.

Well, I check my order book- he bought ONE gradiant wallet and paid on 5/10. His order shipped 5/12.

He posted this ad 5/13. There is NO way he recieved the wallet the day after I shipped, because I did not overnight it.

Just wanted to give people a heads up on this guy because he lied in a forsake thread, used images for a product be didn't even order, and the buyer hasn't recieved the item in over a week. (lives in same state as him)


I'm sure if he sees this he's going to say that I was harassing him, and yada yada- but I have all the texts saved and will post if need be. I'm not trying to start anything, but I can NOT stand liars, and want to give everyone here the heads up.


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?? Did he change the pic? Looks like a crappy cell phone pic held by hand. Yours are better quality.

Does that mean that he actually has the product now? Or was that from some early production/prototype pics?


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What I don't understand is he's selling it to be picked up locally so what could the scam be?


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It was one of my first photos I took with my iPhone= shitty quality.

The guy he sold it to wanted it shipped, and last I heard never recieved the product.

The whole fishy thing is that he posted it forsale BEFORE he even recieved the product.

Not trying to make a big deal about it, just giving everyone a heads up because he has a few forsale ads on here.


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I just saw his thread on there this morning. Interesting enough, I stumble upon this thread as well. :shock: I hope he doesn't show up to the Al's beef meet. :evil:
