Ferrari going 140mph through Paris


Tree people on my radio
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My dad just sent me this, here is a brief description.

On an August morning in 1978, French filmmaker Claude Lelouch mounted a gyro-stabilized camera to the bumper of a Ferrari 275 GTB and had a friend, a professional Formula 1 racer, drive at breakneck speed through the heart of Paris. The film was limited for technical reasons to 10 minutes; the course was from Porte Dauphine, through the Louvre, to the Basilica of Sacre Coeur. No streets were closed, for Lelouch was unable to obtain a permit.

The driver completed the course in about 9 minutes, reaching nearly 140 MPH (225 km/h) in some stretches. The footage reveals him running real red lights, nearly hitting real pedestrians, and driving the wrong way up real one-way streets. Upon showing the film in public for the first time, Lelouch was arrested. He has never revealed the identity of the driver, and the film went underground until a DVD release a few years ago.

This is probably the most amazing automotive related video I've ever seen. To attempt something like this, horribly dangerous and stupid, and he's lucky nobody was killed, there are DEF some close calls on here. But it's amazing non-the-less. The way he negotiates turns, you can tell this guy is nothing less than a professional driver. The engine is a 3.3v8 producing around 280bhp and it sounds AMAZING. It's kind of long, but I couldn't take my eyes away. I hope you all enjoy this as much as I did.>&pl=true


What's up my Ninja?!
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That's simply f**king awesome :shock:


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Damn that dark alley after almost running over some of the pidgeons was awesome.


What's up my Ninja?!
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SiGSR said:
Damn that dark alley after almost running over some of the pidgeons was awesome.
The driver nearly ran over pidgeons like 50 times in that vid :lol:

King Bob

The life'o Riley
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I love the ending, it makes sence after the ending :lol: great find, Imagine the same video with a modern day ferrai with modern tires :shock:


Tree people on my radio
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Bumpy, you guys have to see this s**t.

$lick Rick

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i have it on dvd :what:

well... i burned it to dvd a year or so ago when i saw it for the first time.... really cool stuffz, the guy is nutty, almost hits a few people

to this day the name of the driver has not been released for fear of prosecution


Tree people on my radio
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Btw here's a pic of what the a Ferrari 275 GTB looks like in case you don't know...beautiful car.



i'm a mod now
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too dark for my taste but it still cool though


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I'll be honest.. it wasnt nearly as cool as I thought it'd be.......


What's up my Ninja?!
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My personal preferance when it comes to Ferrari.



Tree people on my radio
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Sm0ked0uTCiViC said:
According to what ive read it was a v12 producing 280 bhp at 7600 Rpms...... See for yourself.... Here is a awsome website on that car........

Click Click Click
Oh, that's just what the email said I wasn't sure. Thanks for the correction :thumbs up


Fat boy with AWD
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awwwwww he was in a rush to see his girl.........LMAO anyway that was some damn good driving though


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yeah, I loved that film. It was cool to see a lot of the landmarks that I'm going to see in person this summmer. And about it happenning again with a new ferarri, never in a million years. First of all, the streets of Paris are over crowded, not liek in the past, and im sure that the driver would hit something or just get in a traffic jam. that was a nice post, I'd heard of the video but never seen it. thanks man.
