Fun with meshies


Aqua Teen Christmas Force
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From a set that looked like this:

to this:

Takes several hours, a lot of sand paper, and close to 2-pounds of elbow grease.

Still have one more rim to finish and then the center caps.

Thanks Redlineobsessor (Jeff) for a good deal on the rims.

Update with some how to pics:
Step one: Remove wheel balance weight. Careful not to dig up the rim with your screwdriver.

Step two: Put on some gloves. The brake dust/snadpaper grit/ crap can and will stain your skin and take some serious scrubbing to get out.

Step three: Wet rag is your friend. Wipe down the wheel to get rid of dirt and whatnot before you start and periodically to check your progress.

Step four: Do work son! Get out your 320 grit water proof sandpaper. 3M makes some good stuff.

Step four and a half: Get the sandpaper wet and fold into a more manageable size/shape.

Step five: Got to town. Work in 8" sections of the lip. About 30 seconds on each section and move on. Keep the sandpaper wet. Once you go around a couple times, work around the entire rim to smooth out any transitions.

This is what it will look like with all the wet grit. Wipe it off to double check progress.

Almost there

Step six: Next grit. Rinse and repeat basically.

Step seven: Last grit. Rinse and repeat.

That's it for the lip. Working on the spokes is a whole other deal. Pics coming this week.


Registered VIP
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Those look real nice!

Genuine Rolla

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You cleaned those right up...freaking wow...those look proper,,,!


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I like them, I was expecting them to be green while the page was loading.


Aqua Teen Christmas Force
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lol @ Green. Little too far out for me thanks.

The key is patience and doing one at a time.

If I had them all laid out at once I would have rushed to move on to the next one. Spent around 1.5 hours sanding on each one.

4 coats Duplicolor Primer
5 coats Duplicolor graphite wheel paint
4 coats Duplicolor clear for wheels.

Went with all wheel specific paint because it's supposedly formulated to deal with brake dust and wheel cleaners better than normal paint/ True? No idea but I'll find out.

Rims will be mounted on the ES2 next weekend after curing for the week.

I'll take some pics of the process on the last rim and post them if people want to see what goes into it.

Going to paint up my winter RSX stockies next, same color.

PS> Don't sell your corroded old rims!


f**k thieves
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Those look really really nice... what color is your car?


Aqua Teen Christmas Force
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Not mine but this is what it is:

Haven't taken any pictures of it since we bought it in January. It's my fiance's DD.


New Member
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Good work. I love the Duplicolor graphite.


love unicorns
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Damn, Those look real fukkin nice. Great job, wanna do mine? lol


Honda Technician
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5+ Year Member
im gettin my hands on 4 more meshies this week. thats what im gonna do...

now i have a set in gold and a set in gunmetal... nice work!
