Gaming Addicts - Who Here Is One?


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I for one am REALLY addicted to games. I can't help it. I can't manage my time, I can't control how much I play, hell I don't even have the balls to uninstall em lol. I'll honestly admit, I play 6-10 hours daily. I haven't slept before 6am in weeks but I sleep randomly during the day and wake up early afternoon if I do manage to sleep.

Who here is an addict?



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I'm only an addict when I play half life, hours go by and I completley loose track of time. Thats the only game or series that does that to me though.


Stickin' it to the man
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when i used to have my other job i played prolly 14 hours a day on my off days. i spent more time in my computer chair then i did in my bed


Aqua Teen Christmas Force
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I play a lot but damn amej8, you play too much


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I used to be an addict, i was as bad as amej8 is. I no longer crave games, only women.

EG-Owns you

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i for one was really addicted this lil game called wow all my hours went into it over the summer id have freinds come over and watch me play. id be on raids half the night i tell them ill be out around 11pm lol missing half the night now im addicted to 360 and wow. games just take me out of RL s**t thats going on and makes me relaxed hey its better then doing drugs right??? lol

Gamer For Real

and yes i still get laid i will put down any game for some lol:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Inigo Montoya

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my room mate is addicted to WOW, which is what made me cancel my subscription and generally hate gamers because he use to be a decent person and now hes a f**king faggot douche bag.

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Inigo Montoya said:
my room mate is addicted to WOW, which is what made me cancel my subscription and generally hate gamers because he use to be a decent person and now hes a f**king faggot douche bag.

how so?? how did it change him it changed me i dont really go out during the week anymore i stay in play my games and on weekends i go out and have fun

Inigo Montoya

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EG-Owns you said:
how so?? how did it change him it changed me i dont really go out during the week anymore i stay in play my games and on weekends i go out and have fun
he's in the Air Force... comes home from work with fastfood around 5 and go straight into his room, no "Hey what's up, hows it going" etc and plays for a solid 6-7 hours before he goes to sleep. If I knock on his door, the response I'll get is a gruff "WHAT?".

All my other friends hate him now and I've had to talk a couple of them outta jumping him (b/c of his attitude problem).

And believe me, I've tried talking to him, and I've put it very bluntly that he is isolating himself from reality.

EG-Owns you

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Inigo Montoya said:
he's in the Air Force... comes home from work with fastfood around 5 and go straight into his room, no "Hey what's up, hows it going" etc and plays for a solid 6-7 hours before he goes to sleep. If I knock on his door, the response I'll get is a gruff "WHAT?".

All my other friends hate him now and I've had to talk a couple of them outta jumping him (b/c of his attitude problem).

And believe me, I've tried talking to him, and I've put it very bluntly that he is isolating himself from reality.

i totaly gotcha on that one man people dont relize what there doing when there in that state of mind though you know im not like that i will socialize and s**t and yes i play good soild 4-6 hours a night only on the weekdays though on the weekend from friday night tell sunday night im usally out

Inigo Montoya

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EG-Owns you said:
i totaly gotcha on that one man people dont relize what there doing when there in that state of mind though you know im not like that i will socialize and s**t and yes i play good soild 4-6 hours a night only on the weekdays though on the weekend from friday night tell sunday night im usally out
its a 24/7 routine, with weekends averaging 25-30 hours of game play.


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i had a friend that was like that when we were like 14-15 all he would do would just sit in his room playing Diablo. he lost weight because he wouldnt really come out of his room to eat.

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chevysalesman61 said:
i used to be like that with H2 on xbl.. but i dont really play anymore.. i guess im just waiting for halo 3
same lvl 42 no mods woot then the modders really hit and the reset ranks thats when i quit


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I used to play a LOT more then I do now.... Just ask my old roommates...

I just don't have the same drive I used to, though.... :what:

EG-Owns you

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anything over 10hours a week is just sad.

not really alot of peeps have full time jobs like me and like to relax when they get off of work. i get out of work around 5 i get home around 6 and i play during the week tell about 10pm every night cept on the weekend so like 5 hours a day its fun. but like toinght i could go home and play video games but im not im going out to a snowboard hill to snowboard.


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anything over 10hours a week is just sad.
I used to play 30+ a week.... Sometimes a LOT more, depending on the week and game.... Not kidding...

But I still went to work, and school.... Just didn't really have anything to do except for on the weekends.... And gaming was my hobby, so yeah, thats what I did....

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hollywood4689 said:
Americas army is where it is that is a dope game

didnt like how i had to go threw the training
