i had this to say

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I'm NOT eran!
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MySiIzFaster said:
Wait sec, Saul for posting up technical information wasnt a beef?????? YOu banned him for not citing his sources? I mean seriously you know how much stuff on here was yanked off some other website, a few spcaes and formating were added and then called their own? COme on, admit that THAT time was you banning him for no real reason... he tauinted you by posting good infomration up b/c you called him out. Like I said, I dont agree with how big of an a*****e you are to noobs and to stupid questions, most of what you do around here, when you are on, is behind the scenes (school I know. =) ). I dont want ot figth with anyone, its entertaining though I must admit.
Perhaps I'm not the best person to say this since everyone semes to think I hate Saul and other members on here, but I believe the problem was more WHY he was posting the tech. It was almost taunting, basically saying "See, anyone can post tech from other sites." Yes, some f my tech is from other sites (and why not, it's GOOD tech and should be spread) but a lot of it is my own. Yes, I had to research the engine codes and specs, but how can I just figure out all those horsepower ratings on my own? ;) A lot of the info I have in my specs lists took time to find, translating other languages, converting measurements to our standards, searching for some of the rarer information, etc. It really wasn't as easy to find that information as it might seem. Some of it is well known, but much of it is not.


Reinvent Your Shell!
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For those of us whom have more than one car, how come there's only a one car garage in the Vbgarage? :lol:
I've managed to squeeze both of my hatchies in there but the coupe has no place to go. :what:


None Taken.
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since the issues in this thread have since been resolved, im closing this thread. if you'd liek to talk to people on the side, please use the cc aim chatroom, pm's, etc. we will be a bit more leniant about off-topic posts elsewhere on the board, but please, be reasonable. until then, lets enjoy clubCIVIC.com
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