Input requested. *Please read*


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^^Agreed... we have a beta version of the feature running already. We're playing around with it and making sure its ready for release. One of the mods is unable to be at the computer for a week due to real life issues, so we're waiting on his input before we get too far ahead on the policy update. Like Victor said.. these should be implemented relatively quickly.


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I'm not sure what incentives you guys are going to use to have people enter into featured ride but if you guys are going to constantly be doing free merchandise and stuff like that, change it up. Gift cards to somewhere, free funny t-shirt of your choice, free custom decals, etc. etc.

Also, is the raffle going to come back? That'd be something else I think people would definitely participate in. But I think you guys should only allow 1 ticket per user. I remember in the past people were buying like 5 tickets to try to win it. While it's a smart idea, I don't think it's fair for people that want to enter but can't when someone takes up 5 spots. Obviously how many tickets you want to let people buy depends on the price of the item (assuming $5/ticket is going to be the default) - $100 item = 20 people vs. $30 item = 6 people.


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I don't know what I am lol. I've never bothered to find out. I don't care for politics.


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I think a raffle would be a good idea too. I on the other hand think you should be able to buy unlimited ammount of tickets. If you have a 300$ item and 20 people all put in 20 bucks. the site made 100$ where as if you 5 people do 5$ for the raffle the site is bleeding out 275$. Thinks like raffle or general changes to the site should be done so for the bettering of the community and site equally.


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One idea with the raffle is to say have it out there for say 2 weeks. the first 11 days or can buy a set number. the last 3 days you can buy until the slots are full.for the number of tickets to be purchased you can do brackets like $0-$100 you can buy 1 to start off, $101-$200 you can buy 2, $201-$300 you can buy 3, and so on.


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More obvious stickies are now in place.


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We've also got an official CC Chatroom up and running with a continuously updating thread list. The link to the chat is now in the tabs at the top of the site.


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I LOVE this new sticky feature. Love it guys. I think stickies will definitely be used more often now and people will find they are actually useful and not just there.


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New stickies are win.

When I first joined I really enjoyed being here and learning a lot of things. I had a lot of noob questions and there was a lot of support when I had a 6th gen. But now that I have a 7th gen that part of our forum is pretty much dead. Which is a big reason I'm so inactive on this forum. I enjoy coming here and looking at people's builds and progress, but more specifically I like watching people build a car from the 7th gen.

Another thing with the 7th gen issue.... I enjoy trying to offer help and input for other people's 7th gens, but I don't enjoy looking around for 7th gen specific things. Tbh I'm not that smart with cars and don't think I can offer sufficient help on a topic or car I don't know about. Yes, somethings are very similar but idk why I'm so picky about 7th gen and s***. Just something that I've been thinking about ...

/Typing whats on my mind, not sure if it came out to be anything useful =\

EDIT: Maybe it's not an issue with the forum, maybe I'm just a picky bastard or something haha, maybe I should start browsing around more idk.


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The How-To section looks great too guys. Awesome! Keep it up! :thumbs up

Another thing I want to mention is the report thread button. 60 second wait time? I mean I know it's only 60 seconds but is it really necessary? Sometimes I come on and there are 6 threads to report but I can't just report them and walk away... I have to sit here and wait. How often does the button get abused? Or is the timer there for a different reason?

New stickies are win.

When I first joined I really enjoyed being here and learning a lot of things. I had a lot of noob questions and there was a lot of support when I had a 6th gen. But now that I have a 7th gen that part of our forum is pretty much dead. Which is a big reason I'm so inactive on this forum. I enjoy coming here and looking at people's builds and progress, but more specifically I like watching people build a car from the 7th gen.

Another thing with the 7th gen issue.... I enjoy trying to offer help and input for other people's 7th gens, but I don't enjoy looking around for 7th gen specific things. Tbh I'm not that smart with cars and don't think I can offer sufficient help on a topic or car I don't know about. Yes, somethings are very similar but idk why I'm so picky about 7th gen and s***. Just something that I've been thinking about ...

/Typing whats on my mind, not sure if it came out to be anything useful =\

EDIT: Maybe it's not an issue with the forum, maybe I'm just a picky bastard or something haha, maybe I should start browsing around more idk.
It's an issued that's been discussed before. And I believe that is why they merged all the generation specific forums. People with a 6th gen would mainly stick to the 6th gen section. People with a 5th gen would mainly stick to the 5th gen section. Etc. etc. I think the mods wanted to merge everything so everyone would see tech questions equally, regardless of the generation Civic you had.


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I've been dead for months cause of university and classes, so I don't really have any input.


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Hey Hi Admin,
I have a request for you, i want you to create a chatroom for this forum, i know there is already one but for that chatroom you got to move to that side/link/page but i have seen some chatrooms in forums in which a person is automatically logged in and that chatbox is like facebook's chatbox at the bottom of site... that will really work well , better try that
Every post I've read by you, it's been stressed a lot. Please read through the threads thoroughly before posting. ;)


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We've also got an official CC Chatroom up and running with a continuously updating thread list. The link to the chat is now in the tabs at the top of the site.
What's the feedback of this feature so far that its been implemented for a month now? Just curious. I know the times that I have gone in there like 1 person was there so I hopped out. If you don't care to share here feel free to PM.


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Not much use so far. Oddly, it was one of the most requested features.


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Not much use so far. Oddly, it was one of the most requested features.
I was totally geeked about it when Vic texted me saying it's working. Then I couldn't find it, and then when I did I had to open another tab just to browse the board AND chat. It's just not convenient. Every other forum I'm on, the chat room is a shoutbox that stays open as you browse the board at either the top, or bottom of the page. The only time I can't view it is when I'm viewing a thread.

I think if it was at the top beneath the banners and constantly scrolling it would catch more member's attn. Otherwise, it's totally looked over, and again, a hassle.

But I do applaud you guys for listening to your user's opinions.


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Just a behind the scenes update. We just implemented a new system for the report button that will help the staff respond faster. Even before, I can guarantee that at least two staff members would check out each reported post, and this is still the case. However now we have a newer system in place that will help us respond quicker. We can't monitor every post made on the entire site, so we do need help from the members. Please feel free to report any issues you see on the site.


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I know this thread has been dead for months, but I second what kelly was saying about the chat feature. This would kind of touch on a lot of the different reasons people stated for why they aren't hanging around... especially the "same question over and over" issue.

I think if it was at the top beneath the banners and constantly scrolling it would catch more member's attn. Otherwise, it's totally looked over, and again, a hassle.

I think if the chat was more visible, and new members realized they could just ask their (sometimes dumb) questions there instead of creating an entire waste of a thread and subsequently get flamed by those people who are sick of seeing the same thing all the time, it might make for less unnecessary threads = more substantial threads. Plus it would enhance the "club" feeling of club civic... which others have suggested could be a strong suite of the site.
