Kid pulls gun... gets ass kicked..


R.I.P Stephen Jackson
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Fat kid needs to work on his ground game, he was mounted rather quickly. :lol:


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goood!!!!, dumb f**king thug, i wish they would of buried a truck in his skull!.


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Not only did he have a gun, but he probably outweighed the kid by over 100 pounds... and he STILL got his ass beat. He should go home, take up some sort of religion and start praising who the f**k ever... because he's lucky as hell he didn't get killed.


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probably an air soft gun
Even pointing an Airsoft gun at someone in such manner can go under assault with a deadly weapon, intent to kill, or whatever else they choose to put on you. They don't f**k around when it comes to things like that, especially these days.

If people whom of which are part of these "gangs" (see also: pussies, morons, retards) get locked up over doing something such as in this video, then it's likely that all of the idiots "friends" will come and try to retaliate. It's a never ending cycle of bullshit. The modern day "gang bangers" aren't s**t compared to what gangs used to be, they've kinda brought down the term/idea. The Mafia was looked UP upon at one point in time.

On a side note, i don't know why the kid got off of the dumbass. I would of been beating the mother f**ker until he was blacked out. King pins to the forhead = instant K/O . Whoever the dumbass in the background is "this is f**kin stupid, just get off of him"... screw that idea. Unless theres more to the video and they KNEW it wasn't actually a real gun.


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Even pointing an Airsoft gun at someone in such manner can go under assault with a deadly weapon, intent to kill, or whatever else they choose to put on you. They don't f**k around when it comes to things like that, especially these days.

If people whom of which are part of these "gangs" (see also: pussies, morons, retards) get locked up over doing something such as in this video, then it's likely that all of the idiots "friends" will come and try to retaliate. It's a never ending cycle of bullshit. The modern day "gang bangers" aren't s**t compared to what gangs used to be, they've kinda brought down the term/idea. The Mafia was looked UP upon at one point in time.

On a side note, i don't know why the kid got off of the dumbass. I would of been beating the mother f**ker until he was blacked out. King pins to the forhead = instant K/O . Whoever the dumbass in the background is "this is f**kin stupid, just get off of him"... screw that idea. Unless theres more to the video and they KNEW it wasn't actually a real gun.
f**king colorado people...


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Whoever the dumbass in the background is "this is f**kin stupid, just get off of him"... screw that idea.
Exactly! wtf the dude just pulled a gun on ur possible friend leave him alone to keep beatin ass

pretty nutty tho

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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I think the kid said "get off of him" because he probably knew a little legal law. The kid, under the law, was doing self defense, until his friends started joining in. Then it became assault, battery and possibly even assault with a deadly weapon (the skateboards). I'm all for beating his ass, but keep it between the two. He was handling it pretty well, no need for 5 other people to come in.

The kid with the gun DID get his ass beat, and got what he deserved with the skateboard hits, but the camera guy was right.


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I would agree if he was talking to someone other than the original kid that got involved with the guy, as well.

However, as stated, i would have to disagree if he was talking to the kid who was originally involved. Which the way he's saying it ("dude get off him... this is f**king stupid") kinda sounds like he is directing it at the kid who mainly beat on the guy with the gun.

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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I would agree if he was talking to someone other than the original kid that got involved with the guy, as well.

However, as stated, i would have to disagree if he was talking to the kid who was originally involved. Which the way he's saying it ("dude get off him... this is f**king stupid") kinda sounds like he is directing it at the kid who mainly beat on the guy with the gun.
Well, after he got ontop and started beating him, it was no longer self-defense.


iTrader EVERYthing
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As long as the gunmen was disarmed, it was right to "stop".


shootin' sparks on i290..
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that idiot got what he deserved
