Matt Damon makes a good point..


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Once again your first statement makes no sense. If you could clairfy what you ment to say with all of that sarcasm I would appreciate it. I don't think I am superman if that is what you mean but I won't let the fact that I can be beaten or shot make me fear that and force me into buying a gun. I think all american have the opportunity to learn how to protect themselves. If that pass that up and hide behind a gun then that is fine that is there option. It is just sad that people think they need guns.
do you use a spoon to hammer nails into the wall? i dont.. this is the same reason i choose a gun to protect my home..


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even with "formal fighting training" if some a*****e breaks into my house with a weapon in the middle of the night.. will i 1) use my traingin and HOPE i can stop whatever agenda he has theft, rape of my gf, etc..? or will i 2) use lethal force to end it as fast as i can.. i will absolutely kill.. when it comes to a fight on the street, where the lives and safety of my lived ones is not on the table.. ill take my chances.. when it comes to an intruder in my home they are getting .40 hollowpoints because i want to be %100 sure they are STOPPED... im not so confident in my ability that id risk the lives of my loved ones to test that out..

do you understand that?
I will agree that you ability to lead has nothing to do with you wearing a kenya outfit or not. :lol: Every person has an option to train themselves. I think guns are something that people do not need but they clutch onto because they are scared. I understand you will kill people and do whatever to protect your family. That's fine that is a personal choice i'm not here to damn that choice. I'm just saying that is not my way.

Mr. Jollypants

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what if a kid wants to know what its like to smoke crack, or to hang himself, or get hit with a pr24? at the end of the day you are a PARENT and a POLICE officer, and that means you have to make the correct choices...
There's too many variables here to know exactly what happened.

its funny how you UPSELL obama in a kenya outfit and downplay mccain as a war vetran..

"its ok to be proud of african heritage but not ok to be proud that you served your country.." yeah.. i disagree.. war vet > kenya outfit
Because that's all McCain has to go on. It's played out. That's all he talks about. I'm sorry, but he's using the fact that he's a War Vet to convey voters.
"John McCain, you agree'd on 95% of Bushes bills, what do you have to say about that?"
"I love my country, I'm a war vet."
"But John, that doesn't-"
"I'm a war vet, don't argue with me."

HOLY f**k! you are kidding people.. umm people like him? well f**k that will make for a great president you are absolutely right... sarcasm.. IT DOESNT SAY s**t..
It says that he knows what he's teaching and how to convey it in a matter where the students want to participate and excited. That says alot.

does that mean something different than the millions of other people who ever tought constitutional law? and who cares what he tought hes already made clear that he wants to BUTCHER the right to bear arms..
It shows he understands and can comprehend the constitutional law. You can understand and comprehend something, but also be against it.

so basically mccain went out and defended the constitution and the values it represents.. and obama talked about them.. good point.. JUST like the election.. obama TALKS about change.. he is apparently good at talking..

mccain >
McCain went out and faught, period. He wasn't upholding the constitution or it's values. He faught in a war that was completely unneeded. It wasn't even a war for OUR rights. It sucks alot of men and women died in the war, but he shouldn't be using that as his only advantage point.


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do you know where bush went to school.. lol
Yes he was a history major at yale. I'm sure you know that is where his father went. If you have family that graduated from a university you become legacy and it becomes easier for you to get into the university. Im sure thats the situation as opposed to Bush earning his place at yale.


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do you use a spoon to hammer nails into the wall? i dont.. this is the same reason i choose a gun to protect my home..
I could use a spoon to hammer in a nail if I had to, your logic is flawed.


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I could use a spoon to hammer in a nail if I had to, your logic is flawed.
but you dont if there is a hammer available.. the gun is my hammer.. as i stated.. if you want to TRY to disarm a would be attacker in the middle of the night that is your choice.. id rather burry a round in his chest and be SURE.. thats the logic.. i have the choice of hand to hand combat HOPING to stop the attacker.. and i have the firearm greatly increasing my ability to stop an attacker..


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I was thinking about guns the other day I don't see any kind of situation where I would want to have a gun. I certainly don't want to kill anyone and when it come to defending my family and myself I have done it before and I wouldn't have a problem doing it again. People don't need guns. If you have a gun I have no problem with that but I think it is a sad thing that people think they need to have weapons to defend themselves.
Honestly I feel that I don't need to carry a gun everywhere for protection. There are far easier targets out there than me. Plus I don't put myself in dangerous situations. I do have weapons for protection at home though. But there are other people that are more vulnerable than me for whatever reason. I met a guy once that carried because he was disabled, and could not run at all. If a situation came about where he needed to defend himself he had little option but to pull a weapon. I realize others are less capable of self defense than I and they have every right to carry a gun.


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Honestly I feel that I don't need to carry a gun everywhere for protection. There are far easier targets out there than me. Plus I don't put myself in dangerous situations. I do have weapons for protection at home though. But there are other people that are more vulnerable than me for whatever reason. I met a guy once that carried because he was disabled, and could not run at all. If a situation came about where he needed to defend himself he had little option but to pull a weapon. I realize others are less capable of self defense than I and they have every right to carry a gun.
he doesnt care because as he puts it "all american have the opportunity to learn how to protect themselves." and if they "hide behind a gun" then its sad... although i understand you %100 ;)


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he doesnt care because as he puts it "all american have the opportunity to learn how to protect themselves." and if they "hide behind a gun" then its sad... although i understand you %100 ;)
I don't care how much training you have, it still won't stop a bullet. Unless you want to hide behind a bullet-proof vest.


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he doesnt care because as he puts it "all american have the opportunity to learn how to protect themselves." and if they "hide behind a gun" then its sad... although i understand you %100 ;)
It is sad because people operate out of fear. I don't know about you guys but I have never had anyone break into my house. It is not something that happens on a regular basis or really ever. To me there is no need to be scared about people trying to hurt me or my family but I try not to be a pessimist.


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I don't care how much training you have, it still won't stop a bullet. Unless you want to hide behind a bullet-proof vest.
The idea is not to compete with a bullet. The idea is to keep yourself out of situations that would make people want to rob me. This is why I dont rock mad bling, why I don't let a crack head suck my d**k for coke, why I don't roll 20's na mean etc etc etc.


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It is sad because people operate out of fear. I don't know about you guys but I have never had anyone break into my house. It is not something that happens on a regular basis or really ever. To me there is no need to be scared about people trying to hurt me or my family but I try not to be a pessimist.
yea sry.

i live in a decent suburban town and i'm no baller. according to your logic, being robbed never really ever happens to people like me.

i had my house broken into before and had my tv, vcr and microwave jacked a couple years ago. the point of all my rambling and that of OC, is that bad s**t happens whether you expect it or not. you never know when you'll be in a situation where you might need to protect yourself, someone you love, or some complete stranger who is in danger.

it's a like a seat-belt. you don't realize how useful they are till u or a friend are in an accident.


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yea sry.

i live in a decent suburban town and i'm no baller. according to your logic, being robbed never really ever happens to people like me.

i had my house broken into before and had my tv, vcr and microwave jacked a couple years ago. the point of all my rambling and that of OC, is that bad s**t happens whether you expect it or not. you never know when you'll be in a situation where you might need to protect yourself, someone you love, or some complete stranger who is in danger.

it's a like a seat-belt. you don't realize how useful they are till u or a friend are in an accident.
The solution is not being armed to the teeth and killing people though. Just to make a statement according to my logic being robbed never really ever happens to me not you. I can't speak for you because I don't know what goes on in your life.

I've also had friends that survived accidents because they were not wearing their seat belts. Things are not always black and white. There is no right and wrong in every situation. Life provides a bunch of gray areas in most issues. I think guns are not needed but have no issues with people that have them like stated before. It's just sad to me that people think that being able to kill someone is a solution to anything. For just as many people that use guns to protect themselves you have others that use guns to destroy life. People like:

Mark David Chapman
Eric Harris
Dylan Klebold
Seung-Hui Cho

Pekka-Eric Auvinen Jokelan koulukeskus, Finland 8 Dead
Michael Carneal Heath High School Shooting 3 Dead
Seung-Hui Cho Virginia Tech massacre 32 Dead
Laurie Dann Hubbard Woods Elementary School shooting 1 Dead
Valery Fabrikant Concordia University massacre 4 Dead
Kimveer Gill Dawson shooting 1 Dead
Andrew Golden and Mitchell Johnson Jonesboro massacre 5 Dead
Thomas Hamilton Dunblane massacre 17 Dead
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold Columbine massacre 13 Dead
Steven Kazmierczak Northern Illinois University shooting 5 Dead
Kip Kinkel Thurston High School shooting 4 Dead
Marc Lépine (Gamil Rodrigue Gharbi) Ecole Polytechnique massacre 14 Dead
Barry Loukaitis Frontier Junior High shooting 3 Dead
Robert Poulin St. Pius X High School shooting 2 Dead
Evan Ramsey Bethel High School shooting 2 Dead
Charles Carl Roberts IV Amish school shooting 5 Dead
Jamie Rouse Richland High School shooting 2 Dead
Michael Slobodian Brampton Centennial Secondary School shooting 2 Dead
Todd Cameron Smith W. R. Myers High School shooting 1 Dead
Brenda Ann Spencer Cleveland Elementary School shooting 2 Dead
Robert Steinhäuser Erfurt massacre 16 Dead
Jeff Weise Red Lake massacre 9 Dead
Charles Whitman University of Texas at Austin Tower Massacre 15 Dead
Charles Andrew Williams Shooting at Santana High School 2 Dead
Luke Woodham Shooting at Pearl High School 3 Dead
Andrew Wurst Shooting at Parker Middle School 1 Dead


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palin approved the bridge to nowhere until it became a problem

palin's 500 million porkbarrel vetos....were only 2% percent of spending in alaska. so she only found that 2% was useless waste of money cmon now.

palin got thousands of dollars in stipends and per diems while working at home not spending a dime more than she would otherwise.

she doesnt seem as nice little soccer mom as everyone says. shes just another politician w dumb posterchild family. i mean she connect with the people around the country cause she has a pregnant teenage daughter. she connects with the dumb f**ks who allow that to happen if you ask me. my family aint got no pregnant teenage girl so how the f**k does she relate to me. she should be ashamed.


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sigh... i strongly dislike palin... and their whole campaign is just full of bullshit lately. how many lies can you feed people??

and you know, with the trooper gate thing, if she didn't have anything to hide or if there wasn't something suspicious, there wouldn't have subpoenaed her husband, and they wouldn't be investigating her.

if she had nothing to hide, she also wouldn't be refusing to speak with the investigators, either.

so, she got rid of the jet, and reassigned her cook so her salary showed up on someone else's budget, then she installed a tanning bed in the governor's mansion. awesome! :roll:

i am so sick of hearing her regurgitated bridge to nowhere/hockey mom speech. :evil:

off topic, typing in the morning without glasses, ftl.
