Matt Damon makes a good point..


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i still don't think we should punish the rich and ambitious for their contribution to the national economy.

if i go out there and create something great and make a lot of smart decisions-maybe make some enormous investments, of both my time and money...why should i have to pay a higher interest rate? i've earned it! not my neighbor, not my best friend-ME.

greed [greed] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
excessive or rapacious desire, esp. for wealth or possessions.
[Origin: 1600–10; back formation from greedy]

—Related forms
greedless, adjective
greedsome, adjective

—Synonyms avarice, avidity, cupidity, covetousness; voracity, ravenousness, rapacity. Greed, greediness denote an excessive, extreme desire for something, often more than one's proper share. Greed means avid desire for gain or wealth (unless some other application is indicated) and is definitely uncomplimentary in implication: His greed drove him to exploit his workers. Greediness, when unqualified, suggests a craving for food; it may, however, be applied to all avid desires, and need not be always uncomplimentary: greediness for knowledge, fame, praise.
—Antonyms generosity.


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greed [greed] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
excessive or rapacious desire, esp. for wealth or possessions.
[Origin: 1600–10; back formation from greedy]

—Related forms
greedless, adjective
greedsome, adjective

—Synonyms avarice, avidity, cupidity, covetousness; voracity, ravenousness, rapacity. Greed, greediness denote an excessive, extreme desire for something, often more than one's proper share. Greed means avid desire for gain or wealth (unless some other application is indicated) and is definitely uncomplimentary in implication: His greed drove him to exploit his workers. Greediness, when unqualified, suggests a craving for food; it may, however, be applied to all avid desires, and need not be always uncomplimentary: greediness for knowledge, fame, praise.
—Antonyms generosity.
oh i get it now... you are one of those thought police people.. one of those people who want to MAKE people act/feel a certain way.. you think that you can FORCE people to care.. so what.. he's greedy by your standards.. you know what.. in America he has the right to be greedy... and its really none of your business... some people may find your lifestyle excessive and greedy.. and to.. it is none of their business... instead of focusing on MAKING other people think like you (totally not American)... why don't you instead focus on running your own life... god i really hate when people THINK they can FORCE compassion.. guess what.. some people are greedy, some people are racist, some people believe in god.. others don't.. these are FEELINGS that you should not FORCE.. governments role is to protect us from one another... it is to make sure I don't hurt you or violate your rights.. it has NOTHING to do with controlling my feelings or emotions, or MAKING me care... the problem is this greg.. you want us to think like you.. and not only do you want that.. but you want the government to MAKE us think like you... what kind of ridiculous s**t is that..


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greed [greed] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
excessive or rapacious desire, esp. for wealth or possessions.
[Origin: 1600–10; back formation from greedy]

—Related forms
greedless, adjective
greedsome, adjective

—Synonyms avarice, avidity, cupidity, covetousness; voracity, ravenousness, rapacity. Greed, greediness denote an excessive, extreme desire for something, often more than one's proper share. Greed means avid desire for gain or wealth (unless some other application is indicated) and is definitely uncomplimentary in implication: His greed drove him to exploit his workers. Greediness, when unqualified, suggests a craving for food; it may, however, be applied to all avid desires, and need not be always uncomplimentary: greediness for knowledge, fame, praise.
—Antonyms generosity.
per·se·ver·ance /ˌpɜrsəˈvɪərəns/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[pur-suh-veer-uhns] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., esp. in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.
2. Theology. continuance in a state of grace to the end, leading to eternal salvation.


[Origin: 1300–50; ME perseveraunce < MF perseverance < L persevérantia. See persevere, -ance]

—Related forms
per·se·ver·ant, adjective

—Synonyms 1. doggedness, steadfastness. Perseverance, persistence, tenacity, pertinacity imply resolute and unyielding holding on in following a course of action. Perseverance commonly suggests activity maintained in spite of difficulties or steadfast and long-continued application: Endurance and perseverance combined to win in the end. It is regularly used in a favorable sense. Persistence, which may be used in either a favorable or an unfavorable sense, implies unremitting (and sometimes annoying) perseverance: persistence in a belief; persistence in talking when others wish to study. Tenacity, with the original meaning of adhesiveness, as of glue, is a dogged and determined holding on. Whether used literally or figuratively it has favorable implications: a bulldog quality of tenacity; the tenacity of one's memory. Pertinacity, unlike its related word, is used chiefly in an unfavorable sense, that of overinsistent tenacity: the pertinacity of the social climber.


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Favors new drilling offshore US

Will appoint judges who interpret the law not make it

Served in the US Armed Forces

Amount of time served in the US Senate

Will institute a socialized national health care plan

Supports abortion throughout the pregnancy

Would pull troops out of Iraq immediately

Supports gun ownership rights

Supports homosexual marriage

Proposed programs will mean a huge tax increase

Voted against making English the official language

Voted to give Social Security benefits to illegals


0% on home sales up to $500,000 per home (couples). McCain does not propose any change in existing home sales income tax.

28% on profit from ALL home sales. (How does this affect you? If you sell your home and make a profit, you will pay 28% of your gain on taxes. If you are heading toward retirement and would like to down-size your home or move into a retirement community, 28% of the money you make from your home will go to taxes. This proposal will adversely affect the elderly who are counting on the income from their homes as part of their retirement income.)


15% (no change)

39.6% - (How will this affect you? If you have any money invested in stock market, IRA, mutual funds, college funds, life insurance, retirement accounts, or anything that pays or reinvests dividends, you will now be paying nearly 40% of the money earned on taxes if Obama becomes president. The experts predict that 'Higher tax rates on dividends and capital gains would crash the stock market, yet do absolutely nothing to cut the deficit.')



(no changes)
Single making 30K - tax $4,500
Single making 50K - tax $12,500
Single making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 60K- tax $9,000
Married making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 125K - tax $31,250

OBAMA (reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)
Single making 30K - tax $8,400
Single making 50K - tax $14,000
Single making 75K - tax $23,250
Married making 60K - tax $16,800
Married making 75K - tax $21,000
Married making 125K - tax $38,750
Under Obama, your taxes could almost double!


- 0% (No change, Bush repealed this tax)

Restore the inheritance tax

Many families have lost businesses, farms, ranches, and homes that have been in their families for generations because they could not afford the inheritance tax. Those willing their assets to loved ones will only lose them to these taxes.


New government taxes proposed on homes that are more than 2400 square feet. New gasoline taxes (as if gas weren't high enough already) New taxes on natural resources consumption (heating gas, water, electricity) New taxes on retirement accounts, and last but not least....New taxes to pay for socialized medicine so we can receive the same level of medical care as other third-world countries!!!

You can verify the above at the following web sites:


Registered VIP
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5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
Favors new drilling offshore US

Will appoint judges who interpret the law not make it

Served in the US Armed Forces

Amount of time served in the US Senate

Will institute a socialized national health care plan

Supports abortion throughout the pregnancy

Would pull troops out of Iraq immediately

Supports gun ownership rights

Supports homosexual marriage

Proposed programs will mean a huge tax increase

Voted against making English the official language

Voted to give Social Security benefits to illegals


0% on home sales up to $500,000 per home (couples). McCain does not propose any change in existing home sales income tax.

28% on profit from ALL home sales. (How does this affect you? If you sell your home and make a profit, you will pay 28% of your gain on taxes. If you are heading toward retirement and would like to down-size your home or move into a retirement community, 28% of the money you make from your home will go to taxes. This proposal will adversely affect the elderly who are counting on the income from their homes as part of their retirement income.)


15% (no change)

39.6% - (How will this affect you? If you have any money invested in stock market, IRA, mutual funds, college funds, life insurance, retirement accounts, or anything that pays or reinvests dividends, you will now be paying nearly 40% of the money earned on taxes if Obama becomes president. The experts predict that 'Higher tax rates on dividends and capital gains would crash the stock market, yet do absolutely nothing to cut the deficit.')



(no changes)
Single making 30K - tax $4,500
Single making 50K - tax $12,500
Single making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 60K- tax $9,000
Married making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 125K - tax $31,250

OBAMA (reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)
Single making 30K - tax $8,400
Single making 50K - tax $14,000
Single making 75K - tax $23,250
Married making 60K - tax $16,800
Married making 75K - tax $21,000
Married making 125K - tax $38,750
Under Obama, your taxes could almost double!


- 0% (No change, Bush repealed this tax)

Restore the inheritance tax

Many families have lost businesses, farms, ranches, and homes that have been in their families for generations because they could not afford the inheritance tax. Those willing their assets to loved ones will only lose them to these taxes.


New government taxes proposed on homes that are more than 2400 square feet. New gasoline taxes (as if gas weren't high enough already) New taxes on natural resources consumption (heating gas, water, electricity) New taxes on retirement accounts, and last but not least....New taxes to pay for socialized medicine so we can receive the same level of medical care as other third-world countries!!!

You can verify the above at the following web sites:

but isnt it the right thing to do.. to give my government complete control over every aspect of my life.. like isnt it good for the country for me to disarm myself, and let the government manage everything for me.. tell me what healthcare i get.. pay for everyone to go to school.. i mean maybe they could even up my taxes more and select the type of food i should eat? that way i can become a mindless cog in the communist republic of america? wouldnt that make things good if no matter what job i had i was taxed so aggresively that i was basically working for taxes.. this way i wouldnt even have to think? i could just go to work.. and rely on the government to make all the hard choices for me.. i mean i wouldnt even need freedom anymore? because the government i trust could make all the "right" choices for me..


Stickin it to the Man
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but isnt it the right thing to do.. to give my government complete control over every aspect of my life.. like isnt it good for the country for me to disarm myself, and let the government manage everything for me.. tell me what healthcare i get.. pay for everyone to go to school.. i mean maybe they could even up my taxes more and select the type of food i should eat? that way i can become a mindless cog in the communist republic of america? wouldnt that make things good if no matter what job i had i was taxed so aggresively that i was basically working for taxes.. this way i wouldnt even have to think? i could just go to work.. and rely on the government to make all the hard choices for me.. i mean i wouldnt even need freedom anymore? because the government i trust could make all the "right" choices for me..


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oh i get it now... you are one of those thought police people.. one of those people who want to MAKE people act/feel a certain way.. you think that you can FORCE people to care.. so what.. he's greedy by your standards.. you know what.. in America he has the right to be greedy... and its really none of your business... some people may find your lifestyle excessive and greedy.. and to.. it is none of their business... instead of focusing on MAKING other people think like you (totally not American)... why don't you instead focus on running your own life... god i really hate when people THINK they can FORCE compassion.. guess what.. some people are greedy, some people are racist, some people believe in god.. others don't.. these are FEELINGS that you should not FORCE.. governments role is to protect us from one another... it is to make sure I don't hurt you or violate your rights.. it has NOTHING to do with controlling my feelings or emotions, or MAKING me care... the problem is this greg.. you want us to think like you.. and not only do you want that.. but you want the government to MAKE us think like you... what kind of ridiculous s**t is that..
Nope, I know a huge lump of people as well as your self love to proclaim America as a nation for it's people (but a majoriy don't want to help) by its people (a big lump of people don't even vote) and of the people. It's not because what america is about is money. I have no problem with you not caring about humanity and not wanting to help needy people. It's america we can make any choice we want, well almost. It's strange you get offended when I say someone is greedy. Yet you admit that the person is greedy and insist that i'm telling him he can't be greedy. I'm not saying that. Be greedy do what you want. Just remember it's people like you guys that are flushing this country down the toilet.


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Favors new drilling offshore US

This is like putting a bandaid over a missing limb. it's only a temporary fix. We need to be less dependent on oil not waste more.

Will appoint judges who interpret the law not make it

Give examples

Served in the US Armed Forces

This does not matter. This isn't important at all. John Adams, Taft, hoover, rosevelt, clinton, were not in the military and they were great presidents

Amount of time served in the US Senate

That could be good or bad. Is mcCain too old? Does he have what it takes o bring this country together or to improve it?

Will institute a socialized national health care plan

This is a good thing and will help millions of people.

Supports abortion throughout the pregnancy

This is America a women should have the right to choose.

Would pull troops out of Iraq immediately

They don't need to be in Iraq.

Supports gun ownership rights

Blah to guns

Supports homosexual marriage

Once again it's america. Homosexuals should have the right to be mariied and get the benefits of marriage if they choose to.

Proposed programs will mean a huge tax increase

Paying taxes can help with a bunch of things like healthcare, school, roads etc.

Voted against making English the official language

America is a meltign pot, why would we need an official language?

Voted to give Social Security benefits to illegals

I think they should be returned to country of origin or be given the chance to file citizenship paperwork.


0% on home sales up to $500,000 per home (couples). McCain does not propose any change in existing home sales income tax.

28% on profit from ALL home sales. (How does this affect you? If you sell your home and make a profit, you will pay 28% of your gain on taxes. If you are heading toward retirement and would like to down-size your home or move into a retirement community, 28% of the money you make from your home will go to taxes. This proposal will adversely affect the elderly who are counting on the income from their homes as part of their retirement income.)

28 % isn't really a huge ammount.


15% (no change)

39.6% - (How will this affect you? If you have any money invested in stock market, IRA, mutual funds, college funds, life insurance, retirement accounts, or anything that pays or reinvests dividends, you will now be paying nearly 40% of the money earned on taxes if Obama becomes president. The experts predict that 'Higher tax rates on dividends and capital gains would crash the stock market, yet do absolutely nothing to cut the deficit.')

40 % is high


(no changes)
Single making 30K - tax $4,500
Single making 50K - tax $12,500
Single making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 60K- tax $9,000
Married making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 125K - tax $31,250

OBAMA (reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)
Single making 30K - tax $8,400
Single making 50K - tax $14,000
Single making 75K - tax $23,250
Married making 60K - tax $16,800
Married making 75K - tax $21,000
Married making 125K - tax $38,750
Under Obama, your taxes could almost double!<---- lie. just look at the numbers


- 0% (No change, Bush repealed this tax)

Restore the inheritance tax

Many families have lost businesses, farms, ranches, and homes that have been in their families for generations because they could not afford the inheritance tax. Those willing their assets to loved ones will only lose them to these taxes.


New government taxes proposed on homes that are more than 2400 square feet. New gasoline taxes (as if gas weren't high enough already) New taxes on natural resources consumption (heating gas, water, electricity) New taxes on retirement accounts, and last but not least....New taxes to pay for socialized medicine so we can receive the same level of medical care as other third-world countries!!! <---- like england and Germany? you sway everything you write.

You can verify the above at the following web sites:


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but isnt it the right thing to do.. to give my government complete control over every aspect of my life.. like isnt it good for the country for me to disarm myself, and let the government manage everything for me.. tell me what healthcare i get.. pay for everyone to go to school.. i mean maybe they could even up my taxes more and select the type of food i should eat? that way i can become a mindless cog in the communist republic of america? wouldnt that make things good if no matter what job i had i was taxed so aggresively that i was basically working for taxes.. this way i wouldnt even have to think? i could just go to work.. and rely on the government to make all the hard choices for me.. i mean i wouldnt even need freedom anymore? because the government i trust could make all the "right" choices for me..
Well according to Mr socialist himself JiuJitsu_greg yes. :lol:

Ban guns

Retreat and defeat in Iraq when we are winning

Pay more taxes

Let the government take more of your money

pay for illegals health care

Let more illegals flood into the Country

Give illegals citizenship even thought they came here illegally

Let doctors kill babies

To name a few.................

Yeah I'd says he's on the right track! :roll:


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Well according to Mr socialist himself JiuJitsu_greg yes. :lol:

Ban guns

People should be able to own guns.

Retreat and defeat in Iraq when we are winning

We don't belong in Iraq.

Pay more taxes

It depends on if it helps the country.

Let the government take more of your money

Only your money.

pay for illegals health care

America is a melting pot. A majority of the family residing in this nation do not originally come from this nation. We are a land of imigrants. If the illegals agree to the rules of our nation and are willing to pay taxes. tattoo an american flag on there ass and say welcome to america.

Let more illegals flood into the Country

see previous statement.

Give illegals citizenship even thought they came here illegally

Give them a chance to be citizens if thats what they want to be.

Let doctors kill babies

You say you are about freedom and rights but you want to take away a womens right to choose what to do with her body? This is limiting freedom and is not right.

To name a few.................

Yeah I'd says he's on the right track! :roll:


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Greg, I think you misunderstand what is meant by a melting pot. When you throw a piece of swiss cheese into a pot of melted cheddar it doesn't change the pot to swiss cheese, it merely gives the pot a slightly different flavor. Also the swiss cheese does not remain intact. Maybe what you are thinking of is a stew pot, where the ingredients combine, but still remain separate entities.


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i really dont like that you want to reward illegals coming into the nation..
I just think it's a bit hypercritical for us to say they shouldn't be here when Aerica as we know it was a stolen nation. France, Spain, and England claimed land that they have no right to. I wouldn't have a problem with these people if they said they would be law abiding tax paying citizens. What's the harm in sharing our land if we have the land?


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Originally Posted by MR99si View Post
Well according to Mr socialist himself JiuJitsu_greg yes.

Ban guns

People should be able to own guns.

They should be able to own guns (just certain kinds) single shot guns according to you!

Retreat and defeat in Iraq when we are winning

We don't belong in Iraq.

Well we are there and we are winning, can you even begin to grasp the consequences if we cut and run?

Pay more taxes

It depends on if it helps the country.

Only an idiot would think the more taxes would help our struggling economy!

Let the government take more of your money

Only your money.

NO NO everyone's money!

pay for illegals health care

America is a melting pot. A majority of the family residing in this nation do not originally come from this nation. We are a land of imigrants. If the illegals agree to the rules of our nation and are willing to pay taxes. tattoo an american flag on there ass and say welcome to america.

What an absurd response, most immigrates of the past came here legally (they didn't sneak over a border). The people that waited in line for years to get into this Country and people that are waiting now (going about it legally) what the hell are they supposed to think. The statue of liberty says "I lift my lamp beside the golden door" that means the front door not the back door or through the window!

Let more illegals flood into the Country

see previous statement.

Give illegals citizenship even thought they came here illegally

Give them a chance to be citizens if thats what they want to be.

Yeah let them gain citizenship legally like so many others do!

Let doctors kill babies

You say you are about freedom and rights but you want to take away a womens right to choose what to do with her body? This is limiting freedom and is not right.

Her rights what about the baby rights? Women that go around f**king everything in sight well guess what you might get pregnant! Women have the right not to sleep with everyone in sight however they should not have the right to murder. Killing a baby inside the womb or out is the same f**king thing as killing an adult period!

To name a few.................

Yeah I'd says he's on the right track!


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Originally Posted by MR99si View Post

They should be able to own guns (just certain kinds) single shot guns according to you!

I never said ban any kind of gun. I said semi auto weapons to me is overkill.

Well we are there and we are winning, can you even begin to grasp the consequences if we cut and run?

I don't care who is "winning." We should have enough honor to know this is not our war and that we have no reason to be there. Forcing a democracy on the people won't help anything.

Only an idiot would think the more taxes would help our struggling economy!

Hiigher taxes could go to improve roads, clear our deficit, help the needy. etc etc etc

Let the government take more of your money

Only your money.

NO NO everyone's money!

This was a joke. It's basicly the same statement that the tax statement is.
pay for illegals health care

What an absurd response, most immigrates of the past came here legally (they didn't sneak over a border). The people that waited in line for years to get into this Country and people that are waiting now (going about it legally) what the hell are they supposed to think. The statue of liberty says "I lift my lamp beside the golden door" that means the front door not the back door or through the window!

The statue of liberty was made by the French. I love how it's a great American symbol and people quote it but it was a gift from France. I say we have the land so there are two things tha could be done deport them or legalize them.

Yeah let them gain citizenship legally like so many others do!

Whats so wrong in that? You gained citizenship from escaping a vagina. They escaped a country. Why not give these people a chance to contribute to American society?
Let doctors kill babies

Her rights what about the baby rights? Women that go around f**king everything in sight well guess what you might get pregnant! Women have the right not to sleep with everyone in sight however they should not have the right to murder. Killing a baby inside the womb or out is the same f**king thing as killing an adult period!
Now partial birth abortions are murder and shouldn't be allowed. If a mother wants to keep a baby from forming in her stomach you and the government should have s**t to say to her. It's her buisness not yours or the governments. You are still infringing on her rights by saying she can't control her own body.


White, middle-class
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greg, i see where you're coming from and on the socialism thing, there are points on which i agree and disagree.

please don't make any assumptions and call me greedy tho. my primary reasoning for keeping various jobs is so that i'll have a good career and education to start a family and support them and give them things that i couldn't have. i wouldn't call that greed. i'd call that doing a lot of work for someone that i love (or will love) with all my heart.

and i agree that we should help people. i agree that it's very important. (...which is why, like i stated before, i contribute to various charities, do volunteer work and make sandwiches for the poor).

i my point is that the government shouldn't be making me do these things. that's when people get bitter. we live in a society that (for better or worse...or maybe just to maintain order) subscribes to a more capitalistic world view. i think that it's a healthy way to run the government because it forces people to contribute and better the country. if you want to make a difference, why don't you start giving 1/4 of your paycheck to someone who can't afford healthcare or even food?

when u put it into perspective and actually lay it out there, it's harder than u think.


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greg, i see where you're coming from and on the socialism thing, there are points on which i agree and disagree.

please don't make any assumptions and call me greedy tho. my primary reasoning for keeping various jobs is so that i'll have a good career and education to start a family and support them and give them things that i couldn't have. i wouldn't call that greed. i'd call that doing a lot of work for someone that i love (or will love) with all my heart.

and i agree that we should help people. i agree that it's very important. (...which is why, like i stated before, i contribute to various charities, do volunteer work and make sandwiches for the poor).

i my point is that the government shouldn't be making me do these things. that's when people get bitter. we live in a society that (for better or worse...or maybe just to maintain order) subscribes to a more capitalistic world view. i think that it's a healthy way to run the government because it forces people to contribute and better the country. if you want to make a difference, why don't you start giving 1/4 of your paycheck to someone who can't afford healthcare or even food?

when u put it into perspective and actually lay it out there, it's harder than u think.
I was just saying the statement saying me me me me was greedy. I wasn't meaning to imply you as a person was greedy, just that statement.

Kudos to the red statement. Much respect.

I had a conversation with Anthony yesterday and we basicly came to the conclusion that taking freedom away is a very unamerican thing as is forcing people to contribute or act a certain way. Socialized health care probably wont happen because it will get cut down by some group of people that don't want to fund the needy or lazy ass people. So if we can't have socialed healthcare there needs to be reform of healthcare and our after highschool education system. It's a bit rediculous to have to pay 300$ for a book or 200$ for n emergany room visit (when you have healthcare.)
