My sonogram


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Ahhhhhhhh........... I just seen the vid of the sonogram :D and she has my eyes.


Are you going to breast feed? (I'm just asking you the question. please do answer in a post)

My wife breast fed both my son and daughter. She said it took some getting used to but it saved us a s**t LOAD of money and both my children grew up VERY healthy. I always reccomend this to all the women I talk to that are carrying. I know it sounds stupid :oops: but alot of women give up breast feeding in the first week because of the pain and discomfort. It's very good for the baby :D My daughter got breast fed the longest and she rarely got sick. I think it had something to do with it. :lol:

Yes I plan to breast feed. I am going to be a stay at home mom, so that will make things a hair on the tighter side. So the money savings will be very helpful. But most of all I just think it is much better for them. My neighbor has breast feed her two year old and she has only got a cold twice! So not even really sick. I also believe it has everything to do with it.

Thanks for the advice, I have a really great and supporting husband. He has even read a bit about it so jsut so he will know a bit more what I will go though with feeding.


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Yes I plan to breast feed. I am going to be a stay at home mom, so that will make things a hair on the tighter side. So the money savings will be very helpful. But most of all I just think it is much better for them. My neighbor has breast feed her two year old and she has only got a cold twice! So not even really sick. I also believe it has everything to do with it.

Thanks for the advice, I have a really great and supporting husband. He has even read a bit about it so jsut so he will know a bit more what I will go though with feeding.
That's very good to hear :D Yeah, my wife didn't work for the first 2 years. She just stayed home and played mommy and did a good job at it. As for me, I don't even like picking up and carrying my own babies. :lol:


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CC's Youngest OG
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:woot: Congratulations! :woot:


That lil nigga ShinsenTuner said that he was not going to pay you ANY child support :x I say lets jump his lil ass!
gov'ment came and took mah babyyy

