Newbie Help.. Image Posting

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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Alright, so you signed up, you have pictures you want to post, but you don't know how to. Thats ok, alot of new posters don't know how, don't feel bad, just turn that frown upside down. First off, you need to find a reliable host for your image(s), one commonly used is Let's say you uploaded it, you copied the code it generated for you, but you copied the wrong code.. The most common mistake is you copied the HTML code which looks something like:

<a href="http://" target="_blank"><img src="http://" border="0" alt="Free Image Hosting at" /></a>

Don't panic! Stop the cussing.. I've got 2 solutions for you, you can either reupload them, or you can do the following.. I'll try to make it as simple as possible.

With the code above, you can see that we have 2 links to ONE image. The difference between the two is that one link has a .th.jpg in the name, and the other doesn't. Some of you are saying "well, big f'ing deal".. But this IS a big deal, because the .th.jpg is the SMALLER image, resized automaticly, which we call a "thumbnail" of the picture. This is for posting on boards (like you are trying) so it doesn't stretch out the screen, and you get flamed on by other members for being a "Newb" or "n00b". The other link, is the actual link to your image, the one you want people to be able to see.

Now, for the fix, here's something I did just for this post. This will fix your problem. But first, let me explain the code for you. The URL tag, is for posting a link to another page, or like we are doing, to another IMAGE. The only difference that we are doing, is that we are including the thumbnail (Which is always better). The IMG tag, is for well, IMAGES, this will display the image, at its full size (Although, with thumbnails, remember, the image will be smaller).

[.URL=first link]

But wait, you look, and you see that I have a IMG tag INSIDE of a URL tag, I bet your asking yourself.. WHY!? OH GOD WHY!?..... Well, probably not, but I bet your curious! =) . Doing this, we are able to link the THUMBNAIL, to the FULLSIZE picture.

So, here we go for the fix.

<a href="http://" target="_blank">

Alright, now the first link (http:// will go into the [.url] tag.

Just like this.

<img src="http://" border="0" alt="Free Image Hosting at" /></a>

Now, we will use the above link (the one with the .th.jpg ending) for the [.IMG] tag.

http://[/IMG[/CODE]] Now this will show the thumbnail. But we need to do one more thing.. we need to put it all together.

[URL=http://][IMG]http:// [/URL]

There you go, you just fixed your problem, without having to reupload.


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with the new thread that has ALL the help.. im unsticking this
