Obama wins nomination!!!!


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Welp, I just reported that to the online authorities. I wouldn't be surprised if you get a knock at your door today.
too bad I'm in the Federal building in Philadelphia at work right now lol.. they can walk over to my desk to make it easier


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Obama has agreed with Bush more than McCain has. Obama is just a black version of Bush


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to me, Obama just seems the less corrupt out of them all. White people just can't stand to have a black man run s**t and that's the god honest truth. As long as we don't have an Asian president I don't give a f**k! :lol:
Exactly why Mccain will win, America will vote for the only "normal" white male candidate, Bush isn't going anywhere...........

I give Obama props trying, putting his life on the line for something he believes in. If by some miracle he does win which I hope he does, he better have some crazy security.


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you can't blame one person for anything.. presidential eff ups are cumulative... they all have the power to undo the bs policies and legislation passed by the one before them... blaming any one of them is like blaming one member of the house or senate for a bill being passed... just doesn't make sense...

and how is me saying anything against someone clearly joking illegal.. I work for this government and would probably be to nervous to move or speak meeting any of these people let alone threaten their lives in any capacity... I'm pretty sure if she can handle bill she'd whoop my ass

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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Obama has agreed with Bush more than McCain has. Obama is just a black version of Bush
Stop making s**t up. McCain has voted for roughly 95% of all bills that Bush has made or endorsed.


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So when is the actual election on who becomes pres. I really try not to follow US politics :lol:


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absolutely nothing. that wasn't my point at all. put the joint down, grab a dictionary and re-read my post. :D

point is, the fact that he's black shouldn't change anything. same as Hillary being a woman, and McCain being white. But my personal feeling is that a lot of people want a black president so bad, that they don't know/care about what he stands for. It's gonna happen someday for sure. same with a woman president. I wish we had the option this year to kill get both and get Condoleezza Rice in there.
i hope you're kidding about rice... :shock:

Well we're back to choosing between a Douche and a s**t sandwich, welcome back to 2001 and 2005.
i don't see what was wrong with 2001, except that the person who was really elected didn't actually win. :what:

sigh... this is :thumbdown imo.


Aqua Teen Christmas Force
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Listening to NPR last week they were talking to southern black voters and every one of them said they were voting for Barack because he's black.

I don't even consider him black. He's black like Tiger Woods is black.


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or that guy from who's line is it anyways


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kyle10182 said:
I wish we had the option this year to kill get both and get Condoleezza Rice in there.
I have a lot of respect for Dr. Condoleezza Rice. Her accomplishments are amazing. An African-American woman from Birmingham, Alabama becoming one of the most powerful people on the planet. Regardless of race or gender. There are very few people who wield more power than Dr. Rice.

She probably heard continuously while growing up, "you can't , you're black....you can't you're a woman..." etc... from both black and white men.

She showed them. :thumbs up

But as a President, I don't think she would ever be able to get out of the Rove/Cheney political machine. She really aligned herself with the devil there.

I think that if she could, she would be better than Senator McCain. She can't so it's a moot point.


Who Dat
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It will be closer than 18-25 year olds think it will be. It's good that Obama beat Hillary. As long as he actually tries to be more moderate than he actually is, I can live with him.

Remember people don't just want change from Bush, they want change from the politics of division, which is what Barack originally said he would bring. Too bad he didn't stick with it.


NA is Best
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ya know...im gonna go with the presidential nominee who can make it easier for my to buy a house in the next couple years. and i think keeping more of my own money is a good start.


I'm NOT eran!
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Obama has agreed with Bush more than McCain has. Obama is just a black version of Bush
"According to CQ, Senator John McCain has voted with President Bush 100% of the time in 2008 and 95% of the time in 2007:"

He was also the most absent Senator for 2008, but he voted the same as Bush did for 95% of the time in 2007.
So when is the actual election on who becomes pres. I really try not to follow US politics :lol:
November fourth.

I wonder how much more difficult it will end up being voting this year. This is my first time voting in WA. In DE it's a holiday and you often get the day off of work.

I don't care who's black or who's white or who's a woman or a who's a man when it comes to our president. It really doesn't matter what they look like or are equipped with (as long as they have a brain this time).

I think it's sad that people vote for a person because they're black or they're a woman or that other people don't vote for a person because they're black or a woman. It's silly. Then again we have buttloads of people down south (in particular) who vote for their candidate strictly based on what that person's religious beliefs are.


f**k The Powers That B
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Obama ftw!

There will be a lot of drama regarding this especially on this site. :lol:
