Osama Bin Laden is dead


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I have to agree with this. I'm not disagreeing or telling anyone else they are wrong if they choose not to celebrate. One of my best friends who is quite religious stated that he was incapable of celebrating the death of any man. There's nothing wrong with having different opinions, I was hoping that we could all be mature enough to discuss them....guess not.
Nah, posted my thoughts on the matter. Done with expressing my opinion on it.


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It is a good thing that Bin laden is done. A figure head of the terrorist movement is gone that is a good thing. Of course this is not a solution but it is an improvement. Can they "retaliate" of course but al quaida is a group of terroists and cowards. It is good that Bin laden has been caught. Remember that Bin Laden was Bush's main reason for starting the war.



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IMO, this entire thing is stupid. To many different stories, ive read 'news" stating he died in different years.

There was one released yesterday i believe it was that said he died in Dec. 01 from his lung complications and this "info" came from someone that was at his funeral.

The world is f**ked, i believe nothing, 9/11 could be staged even from what ive read


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IMO, this entire thing is stupid. To many different stories, ive read 'news" stating he died in different years.

There was one released yesterday i believe it was that said he died in Dec. 01 from his lung complications and this "info" came from someone that was at his funeral.

The world is f***ed, i believe nothing, 9/11 could be staged even from what ive read
and tupac is alive smoking out alf and elvis in the north pole hanging with santa clause


Frame Bangin
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i said what i think, i personally dont give a f**k. entire goverment system has become corrupted and all about money, not whats the best decision for the people.

Look at this entire war, what are we getting from it besides debt and death....

Why are death and hatred the only things this country can rally around? How has patriotism evolved to become a celebration of murder? We really haven't come very far from parading our enemies' heads around on sticks, have we?


IMO, this entire thing is stupid. To many different stories, ive read 'news" stating he died in different years.

There was one released yesterday i believe it was that said he died in Dec. 01 from his lung complications and this "info" came from someone that was at his funeral.

The world is f***ed, i believe nothing, 9/11 could be staged even from what ive read
You'd benefit by reading credible news sources and by not believing every dumb unsubstantiated rumor posted on the internet.


i said what i think, i personally dont give a f***. entire goverment system has become corrupted and all about money, not whats the best decision for the people.

Look at this entire war, what are we getting from it besides debt and death....

Why are death and hatred the only things this country can rally around? How has patriotism evolved to become a celebration of murder? We really haven't come very far from parading our enemies' heads around on sticks, have we?
What's your solution? Shall we combat our enemies by politely asking them not to kill us?


Frame Bangin
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Ok, tell me, what news sources are credible then?

and i just dont see a purpose in being over there, we are trying to solve their problems but not fixing our own. We are living in a failing economy yet still blowing money over there and increasing our debt. We need to fix us, before fixing them. I think this for more than just the war, such as helping Haiti. We wont get help from them when we are in need, so i dont want my tax money to be spent on them. Their problem is their problem

but i am done in this thread, you guys can enjoy the death, im fine with that.
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Most major new sources are credible. They can be very biased but they aren't pulling stories out of their butts. I personally don't think we should be over there either. But what can we do? We switch presidents half way through a retarded war. should we pack up and run like vietnam? Or should we try and mop up some bitches and fix some things in the process? 1sik you speak directly from the heart of most americans. What am I getting out of the war? Why are you spending my money? Fix us us us me me me. How about we don't segregate ourself from the rest of the world and be a functional part of the entire world. You think because China has no debt things are good over there? JohnS' family is over there sewing together soccer ball for 12 cents a hour.


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Ok, tell me, what news sources are credible then?

and i just dont see a purpose in being over there, we are trying to solve their problems but not fixing our own. We are living in a failing economy yet still blowing money over there and increasing our debt. We need to fix us, before fixing them. I think this for more than just the war, such as helping Haiti. We wont get help from them when we are in need, so i dont want my tax money to be spent on them. Their problem is their problem

but i am done in this thread, you guys can enjoy the death, im fine with that.
How do you know that those in Haiti wouldn't help us in the same situation if they had the means to do so? If we have the resources and man power to help someone that is in a crisis, why not? Were you raised to turn your back on someone that is in need? If so, that is sad.

You have a roof over your head at night, do you not? How about food in your belly? Clean clothes? You certainly have transportation and expendable income to be able to put material things onto your vehicle. A huge majority of the world doesn't. Again, if we have the resources, why not help them out?

I am by no means saying that I don't put material things onto/in my car. Things that it would be perfectly fine without. I am just saying that I would and have helped someone that is in need. I would and have given up money that I would other wise spend on upgrades to my vehicle in favor of someone getting a meal for the night or rent to be able to have a roof over their head for another month.

Let's face it, even though the U.S. is in a huge debt, we are still better off that MOST of the world when it comes to clothing, food, shelter, etc. You don't understand that we need to help them before we can help us.


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IMO we are gaining truely nothing from the war, however just packing everything up and leaving isnt an option anymore to many forces and other things commited to it. i do however believe we should take care of home first pretty big parts of new orlaens still arent rebuilt after katrina. The same thing as the commercials asking me to send money to a starving child in another country why dont i see commercials for me to send money to a starving kid in detriot. There needs to be a balence though we need to take care of home first, but we also when possible after we our own problems are taken care of need to extend help and support to other people and countries. Just saying it isnt our problem and watching things happen we could prevent is like watching and old ladys purse get stolen and you keep walking because well thats her problem. Why call the cops on a gas station getting robbed you dont work their not your problem. Home needs to be taken care of first then other people, but only people who want to help themselves if they are content and happy to kill each other or what have you then nothing is going to stop them if they want to change or want help then we shouldnt deny the drowning people life jackets.


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Thats my rant and my opnion on the matter i respect anyone elses we dont have to think the same thats just my 2 cents


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god took forever but he would win the award for best "hide and seek"
whats funny is me and my friends are going to celebrate his dead with a bbq after the washington annual spring me


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lol wth interesting... no wonder why the gas prices keeps going up and its harder ti find a job.


Your mom's boyfriend
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We got the news when we were flying back to Okinawa... pretty nice bonus if you ask me. =)


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Let's face it, even though the U.S. is in a huge debt, we are still better off that MOST of the world when it comes to clothing, food, shelter, etc. You don't understand that we need to help them before we can help us.


Hell yea I suck toes!
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Why am i still here again?


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in my mind, raabe killed osama
