The "I'm-Bored-And-There's-Nothing-To-Do-But-Stay-Home" Thread


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So I'm just curious... There are always those days where all your friends are already out, or you're too tired to go out, or it's too cold to work on your car, or you have no money and can't go anywhere, or you're almost out of gas and don't feel like wasting it on a drive, etc. etc. Or maybe you just feel like relaxing for the day and sitting by a warm fire or next to your computer sipping hot chocolate all day. Who knows. But what do you do?

I just finished 3 hours of Counter-Strike 1.6 lol. I was actually doing REALLY well so kept playing. Finally told myself to stop because I can't make it a habit. I need to do some school work and stuff but I have the rest of today and tomorrow with NOTHING to do cuz all my friends that I hang out with go to school atleast over an hour away from here and I'm broke. Oh and there's surfing ClubCivic and few other forums. Then back to class Tuesday.

So what does everyone else do?


High Speed
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Im basically staying on the computer all day, I just got back from Florida last nite and i dont feel like doing anything today. I should really go wash the salt off my civ but I dont feel like going out.


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Usually surf Clubcivic,Ebay,MSN, in that order then HW time. And maybe a little Xbox when Im done.


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I really want to take my car to a car wash but the roads are covered with dried salt and cars kick them up (especially trucks/SUV's) with their rear wheels and would get my car all dirty again rofl. Car washes are too far away and I wouldn't make it back clean enough.

And it's out of the question to wash my car. The water would probably freeze or start to before I get a chance to wash it off after soaping.


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^^Dude my car is suppose to be red but no joke it is completely white. The salt on the fenders is like layered on, this really pisses me off:cry:


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My FBP used to look VSM silver. Literally. I wish I took a pic.


High Speed
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Yeah my civ is full of salt especially my N1. Last time I sprayed it off my car turned into ice.


CC's Youngest OG
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I love Sundays. They feel extremely long and I usually am able to accomplish alot. Cleaning, cleaning, homework, cleaning, cleaning, homework, cleaning, cleaning.

Fresh Laundry for the rest of the week :thumbup:
Clean Car :thumbup:
Clean Room/House :thumbup:
95% homework COMPLETED before 8pm :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

Even had time to drop by walmart and stop&shop to pick up some groceries and fresh white T's... :lol:


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Sleep.... Look for good deals on the internet ie. ebaymotors etc, etc...... Call up junk yards to see if they have any 6th civics that I can pick stuff off of. GO TO WALMART. almost forgot that.

$lick Rick

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I go take pictures


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$lick Rick said:
I go take pictures
I don't... My camera is a shitbox. I'm planning on getting a DSLR sometime soon, and then I'll be in the same boat as you.:shock:


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I wish I had stuff to take pictures of. No scenery or anything worth of value to take pictures of in my house or around my town. And my car is way too hella dirty from salty roads and a car wash would just be a waste.

But I need to find a local junkyard sometime. Need some spare random parts.

$lick Rick

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amej8 said:
I wish I had stuff to take pictures of. No scenery or anything worth of value to take pictures of in my house or around my town. And my car is way too hella dirty from salty roads and a car wash would just be a waste.
i drive for hours looking for one photo, finding something that catches my eye is really tough around here

i guess that explains why i put over 22,000 miles on my wrx and i havent had it quite a year


Formally Green 91
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im stuck at home, in the house til ljune. i cant go out side


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Okay not to intrude, but what's the deal with you saying you can't own a car, you can't drive, now you can't leave your house, etc. etc. Something happen I miss? lol. I see you posting stuff like that here and there but I don't quite get it yet. I never heard a story or anything.

If you prefer not answering that's fine. Sorry if I'm intruding in on your personal life or anything. Just haven't quite picked up on that part.


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amej8 said:
Okay not to intrude, but what's the deal with you saying you can't own a car, you can't drive, now you can't leave your house, etc. etc. Something happen I miss? lol. I see you posting stuff like that here and there but I don't quite get it yet. I never heard a story or anything.

If you prefer not answering that's fine. Sorry if I'm intruding in on your personal life or anything. Just haven't quite picked up on that part.
he's on home confinement

but im super bored as well, been sittin here since like 3:30..which isnt even that long...hopefully my buddy can escape from his house so we can install some head units.


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Ah gotcha. Thanks :thumbs up.

I've been sitting here since.....11:30AM. Played CS for a total of like 4-5 hours today. Nothing else to do. Too tired to do focus on trying to do HW.
