Virginia tech SHOOTING


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i read an article that amej8 posted on another site that he went lookin for his ex and her new bf but she wasnt there so he shot her roommate and the RA, then went looking for her and him.


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EH2 GSR 7232 said:
so another words you have less than no reason to have said such an ignorant comment? and you cant explain yourself?
:lol: there's like over 30 people dead or something like that and all you care about is this one stupid f**ker's comment. I take it you just wanna start some e-drama eh. I don't think his comment bothered anyone else but you. Remember, it's just a comment ;)

but he must've felt like a retard that his bullets weren't going through the door. What can you say, he's Korean :lol:


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what kind of gun what he using. cause if i was going to go rambo i would have used something bigger to go threw doors lol..


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panda said:
what kind of gun what he using. cause if i was going to go rambo i would have used something bigger to go threw doors lol..
9mm and 22-caliber handgun.. it's a bit scary to think what might have happened if he would have had some type of semi automatic assualt rifle. if he was gunning down students with a hand gun, it would have been much worse with a bigger gun. :(


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panda said:
what kind of gun what he using. cause if i was going to go rambo i would have used something bigger to go threw doors lol..
he used a .22 caliber and a glock. And I'm sure he had a budget, and he wanted to keep the firearms concealed too, that and I don't think his original plan was to kill 30+ people. He wanted to probably kill his GF and the other guy, but when that didn't go as planned, he just lost it and started shooting anything that moved.


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Sources told ABC News that after Cho killed the one female and one male at West Ambler Johnston Monday morning, he returned to his own dorm room where he re-armed and left a "disturbing note" before entering Norris Hall on the other side of campus to continue his rampage and kill 30 more before shooting himself.

The Chicago Tribune reported that the note included a rambling list of grievances that railed against "rich kids," "debauchery" and "deceitful charlatans" on campus. The paper also reported that Cho died with the words "Ismail Ax" in red ink on the inside of one of his arms.


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1.)There was a Muslim Shah Ismail I - founder of Safavid Dynasty of Iran - himself a poet:

I know the Truth as my supreme guide,
I would sacrifice myself in his way,
I was born yesterday, I will die today,
Come, whoever would die, here is the arena.

2.)Ismail is also a character from Islam - the Muslim version of Abraham (Ibrahim in the Islam version). In Islamic lore Ismail was ready to be a willing sacrifice to the will of Allah.

3.)Then there is Isamail Haniya, the Muslim Hamas senior leader - now Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority

Looks like it's muslim in origin, I don't know what the ax means.


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stolibears said:
...and don't get me started with that whole "god's plan crap". will something good come out of this, eh?! how could it? People in the community will be better connected through this tragedy just like any, but don't start preaching to me about how better off the parents, friends, sons and daughters will be better off losing their loved ones in a senseless crime . A person's life can touch many more lives when they have the opportunity to do so, dieing at such a young age is tragic. It doesn't make anything right, and it never will. i guess you can call me the angry atheist. :???: my religion is my family, beer, THX surround sound, and my honda civic. CAN I GET AN AMEN!
Lets leave religion out of this because your comments are ridiculous in my eyes and mine in yours.. I will not change your mind and you will not change mine. So it is better and more mature if we leave this out from now on because religion bashing is only going to get people angry because I am sure there are many differing views on religion in this community.

EDIT: I can see this maybe becoming a muslim issue if what you say is true about the stuff written on his arm West. More hate towards Iran and Iraq is probably coming in future, mostly from ignorant people who hate a race based on the actions of a group but none the less hate.


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^ exactly. hate hate and more hate. just keeps building up and directed in the wrong directions.


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x3 for real. i dont mean this in a bad way, but if you think about what religion has done in the history of the world, all it has done is given direction to hate others and love only themselves. more people in the history of the world have died over religion vs any disease, natural disaster, and accidents combined.

from what ive gotten out of this vt shooting is, this man went crazy. premeditated or not.


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the kid DOES appear to be a little f**ked up.. but lets be real.. the media playing up those plays as if they are the worst thing to ever be written is absurd.. do they lend a view into the mind of someone with some f**ked up issues? maybe.. are they "the most disturbing thing ive read in some time" not even close.. they are actually pretty weak imo.... not to down play the seriousness of someone being able to walk into a school and go on a lengthy shooting spree....

the length of time it took for the people in charge to DO something is of more importance to me at least than how f**ked up the person who commited these acts

i mean he basicly wondered freely for like 2 f**king hours


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oc_civic said:
the length of time it took for the people in charge to DO something is of more importance to me at least than how f**ked up the person who commited these acts

i mean he basicly wondered freely for like 2 f**king hours
totally agree with you. They didn't cancel classes cause they "had the situation under control, contained" :roll:
Seems ot me that VT dropped the ball not only yesterday with their poor response, but also with this kid. You read those plays, and granted they are not the most f**ked up thing ever, but it immediately raises a red flag. This kid had issues, he had some built up anger, and on top of that he was described as a loner, someone who didn't want to make friends. All of that, you add it up, and it should make you stop and think for a minute.

A university official also said that Cho scribed writings so "disturbing" they were sent to administrators, a university official said Tuesday.

The official did not provide details about the writings, which first came to the attention of faculty in the English department, but said they were passed on to the department chairwoman and university administrators.
The fact that nothing was done about those writings, besides sending him to counseling :roll: makes me question the judgement of the school board.


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Voltio said:
totally agree with you. Seems ot me that VT dropped the ball not only yesterday with their poor response, but also with this kid. You read those plays, and granted they are not the most f**ked up thing ever, but it immediately raises a red flag. This kid had issues, he had some built up anger, and on top of that he was described as a loner, someone who didn't want to make friends. All of that, you add it up, and it should make you stop and think for a minute. The fact that nothing was done about those writings, besides sending him to counseling :roll: makes me question the judgement of the school board.

Sometimes it takes a friend to be a friend. I would not say he didn't want friends, nobody even knew him. He could have been extremely shy, afraid, or had no self confidence.


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i just wonder how in our modern society where the government can watch me f**k my wife from outerspace... someone can go on a two hour on and off killing spree IN A SCHOOL.. blows yoru mind...

if only they took all the resources wasted on ridiculous things like the war on drugs and focussed them on things like keeping our kids safe in school.. well i guess thats just too logical..


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oc_civic said:
i just wonder how in our modern society where the government can watch me f**k my wife from outerspace... someone can go on a two hour on and off killing spree IN A SCHOOL.. blows yoru mind...

if only they took all the resources wasted on ridiculous things like the war on drugs and focussed them on things like keeping our kids safe in school.. well i guess thats just too logical..
well that would make too sense now, wouldn't it? ;)

slammed98hatch said:
anybody know what "Ismail Ax" means?
A more obscure reference may be to a passage in the Koran referring to Abraham's destruction of pagan idols; in some accounts, he uses an ax to do so.


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Voltio said:
well that would make too sense now, wouldn't it? ;)

A more obscure reference may be to a passage in the Koran referring to Abraham's destruction of pagan idols; in some accounts, he uses an ax to do so.
i thought about that. like he thought of himself as a tool of Islam. do we know his religious beliefs?

also could be an abbreviation of axiom:

1. a self-evident truth that requires no proof.
2. a universally accepted principle or rule.
3. Logic, Mathematics. a proposition that is assumed without proof for the sake of studying the consequences that follow from it.

just a thought :what:


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stolibears said:
The only mystery to me is that 2 hour lag b/t shootings, and why the University didn't act on this on a whole especially if they didn't have the shooter. Considering it as an "isolated" incident with no shooter was a mistake and they should of quickly informed students and faculty sooner.!

umm thats what i was bitching about.. :what:
