Virginia tech SHOOTING


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Voltio said:
from the VT website:
you beat me to it. i was just coming on to post. i'm assuming if VT is putting it out, it's been confirmed that it was him. Can't remember if I read it on here or somewhere else, but I think his g/f (the female deceased at the first scene) was sleeping or cheating with the RA (the second deceased). If it was posted here, sorry for the repeat. didn't feel like looking through 4 pages..

still a sad sad situation..


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this man was looking for a guy who his girl cheated on him with. went to every class room asking for him but shoot people who he thought it was. amazing what a girl can do to you.there's no reason someone should go that crazy over a girl man. like you can see its not worth it at all.move yourself to a different place or state. this has to change the possesion of getting fire arm.


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god bless this guy.

From Fox News:
"An Israeli lecturer who died in the massacre at a U.S. university saved the lives of several students by blocking the doorway of his classroom from the approaching gunman before he was fatally shot, his son said Tuesday. Students of Liviu Librescu, 76, a holocaust survivor who was an engineering science and mathematics lecturer at Virginia Tech for 20 years, sent e-mails to his wife, Marlena, telling of how he blocked the gunman's way and saved their lives, said the son, Joe."


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slammed98hatch said:
you beat me to it. i was just coming on to post. i'm assuming if VT is putting it out, it's been confirmed that it was him. Can't remember if I read it on here or somewhere else, but I think his g/f (the female deceased at the first scene) was sleeping or cheating with the RA (the second deceased). If it was posted here, sorry for the repeat. didn't feel like looking through 4 pages..

still a sad sad situation..
Yup already mentioned. That's a sad pathetic excuse to do something like this. Hell it'd be a pathetic excuse if he even just beat the kid up and broken a few bones and then beat the g/f.

slammed98hatch said:
god bless this guy.

From Fox News:
"An Israeli lecturer who died in the massacre at a U.S. university saved the lives of several students by blocking the doorway of his classroom from the approaching gunman before he was fatally shot, his son said Tuesday. Students of Liviu Librescu, 76, a holocaust survivor who was an engineering science and mathematics lecturer at Virginia Tech for 20 years, sent e-mails to his wife, Marlena, telling of how he blocked the gunman's way and saved their lives, said the son, Joe."
He should be given like an award or medal or something lol.


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slammed98hatch said:
god bless this guy.

From Fox News:
"An Israeli lecturer who died in the massacre at a U.S. university saved the lives of several students by blocking the doorway of his classroom from the approaching gunman before he was fatally shot, his son said Tuesday. Students of Liviu Librescu, 76, a holocaust survivor who was an engineering science and mathematics lecturer at Virginia Tech for 20 years, sent e-mails to his wife, Marlena, telling of how he blocked the gunman's way and saved their lives, said the son, Joe."

One putting his life in front for his students. GOD BLESS HIM AND HIS FAMILY


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Now it's said Bush is going to VA Tech today to the convocation.

He's just going to make it worse now :roll: ;) :rolf:.


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99civicEx908 said:
this has to change the possesion of getting fire arm.
if someone really wanted a gun they could get one. it's just as easy in a rural area as an inner city. you just need a connection.


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Honestly, now that I think of it, I don't think he MEANT to kill those 30+ students/professors. I think since he killed his g/f and the RA, he figured he knew he was already going to jail for something like 2 life sentences for that alone so why not just go out and kill more people and then just kill himself. Maybe he picked a classroom where he had an instructor that he had something against and just loaded it up with all the bullets/clips he had.


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^ yeah a girl who survived said he peaked into her class 2 times before coming in a third time to start shooting.


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This is such a sad event.

15 years from now when we have kids, think about the questions they are going to ask us. Dad, what were you doing on Sept 11? Dad, what were you doing when the Virginia Massacre happened? I mean our parents have the moon landing and the JFK assassination, and I am sure many other things. But we have nothing except war, death and destruction. I am not saying that this is Bush's fault, but I can't imagine being a president for 8 years and having so many terrible things happen.

I suggest that all of us take time to remember these moments because some day we are going to have to tell this story, and I think its important the we memorialize the heroes and victims of these tragic events. This is not part of God's plan and let's stay away from the whole "God" conversation. In my opinion, I think that even God would have to take himself out of this situation and let free will rule. We'll all assume that he's just taking care of the victim's families.


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K2_civic said:
This is such a sad event.

15 years from now when we have kids, think about the questions they are going to ask us. Dad, what were you doing on Sept 11? Dad, what were you doing when the Virginia Massacre happened? I mean our parents have the moon landing and the JFK assassination, and I am sure many other things. But we have nothing except war, death and destruction. I am not saying that this is Bush's fault, but I can't imagine being a president for 8 years and having so many terrible things happen.

I suggest that all of us take time to remember these moments because some day we are going to have to tell this story, and I think its important the we memorialize the heroes and victims of these tragic events. This is not part of God's plan and let's stay away from the whole "God" conversation. In my opinion, I think that even God would have to take himself out of this situation and let free will rule. We'll all assume that he's just taking care of the victim's families.


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God is irrelevant. He shouldn't even be mentioned. This topic alone is too sensitive and tragic... Religion shouldn't be added into this bowl of s**t.

K2_civic said:
This is such a sad event.

15 years from now when we have kids, think about the questions they are going to ask us. Dad, what were you doing on Sept 11? Dad, what were you doing when the Virginia Massacre happened? I mean our parents have the moon landing and the JFK assassination, and I am sure many other things. But we have nothing except war, death and destruction. I am not saying that this is Bush's fault, but I can't imagine being a president for 8 years and having so many terrible things happen.

I suggest that all of us take time to remember these moments because some day we are going to have to tell this story, and I think its important the we memorialize the heroes and victims of these tragic events. This is not part of God's plan and let's stay away from the whole "God" conversation. In my opinion, I think that even God would have to take himself out of this situation and let free will rule. We'll all assume that he's just taking care of the victim's families.


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amej8 said:
God is irrelevant. He shouldn't even be mentioned. This topic alone is too sensitive and tragic... Religion shouldn't be added into this bowl of s**t.



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amej8 said:
God is irrelevant. He shouldn't even be mentioned. This topic alone is too sensitive and tragic... Religion shouldn't be added into this bowl of s**t.


I hope that is the point that came across with my post


Use your dipstick Jimmy!!
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ok, I'm going to chime in here about what was said about the University's response and how people are putting the blame on the chief and president for poor response. have you even been to Tech? or for that matter a campus that is about the same size of Tech? It is huge! It is literally bigger then most cities that are around Tech. How would you ever evacuate 36,000 students from the campus? Granted, not every one is taking class at the same time so maybe but that number to about 1/5 so that's about 7200 spread across over 100 buildings at one time. There are numerous classes that are on average filled with an average of 45 students, with a lot of auditorium classrooms, some of which hold up to 150-200 students. Be thankful the gunman didn't go into one of these classrooms.

So, you think that instead of everyone locking down in classrooms is better then have everyone on campus panicking in hallways trying to evacuate the campus, right into where the gunman is? Ok lets pretend for a minute that they were prepared like you said, with a police presence in every class, metal detectors and pat downs at every entrance, class ids checked in every classroom and then access restricted so that you can't leave the building until your class is done....bite me, I"m going to a different college. The one freedom you have in a University setting (which is pretty much shattered now) is the freedom of going from building to building, showing up to class if you want to in PJs and slippers hung over.

The only mystery to me is that 2 hour lag b/t shootings, and why the University didn't act on this on a whole especially if they didn't have the shooter. Considering it as an "isolated" incident with no shooter was a mistake and they should of quickly informed students and faculty sooner.

I know every one is angry, but I think your blame is directed in the wrong direction and well he is dead so no amount of justice will ever come out of this.

...and don't get me started with that whole "god's plan crap". will something good come out of this, eh?! how could it? People in the community will be better connected through this tragedy just like any, but don't start preaching to me about how better off the parents, friends, sons and daughters will be better off losing their loved ones in a senseless crime . A person's life can touch many more lives when they have the opportunity to do so, dieing at such a young age is tragic. It doesn't make anything right, and it never will. i guess you can call me the angry atheist. :???: my religion is my family, beer, THX surround sound, and my honda civic. CAN I GET AN AMEN!

EH2 GSR 7232

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amej8 said:
If I was the shooter, I'd be pissed beyond f**k that a wooden door is stopping my bullets.
I'm calling you out again on this... you have yet to explain why the hell you would say something so stupid...


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EH2 GSR 7232 said:
I'm calling you out again on this... you have yet to explain why the hell you would say something so stupid...
lol go ahead I don't care. You know it's true.

But apparently that's a face beyond his guys name now... said:

He is Cho Seung-Hui, a 23-year-old resident alien of the United States, as first reported by ABC News.

Cho is a South Korean national, a Virginia Tech senior majoring in English and the man who killed 33 people — including himself — on the Virginia Tech campus Monday.

Sources tell ABC News that Cho killed two people in a dorm room, returned to his own dorm room where he re-armed and left a "disturbing note" before entering a classroom building on the other side of campus to continue his rampage.

Cho's identity has been confirmed with a positive fingerprint match on the guns used in the rampage and with immigration materials.

"Lab results confirm that one of the two weapons seized in Norris Hall was used in both shootings," Virginia Tech Police Chief Wendell Flinchum said at a press conference Tuesday morning.

At this time, police are not looking for a second shooter, however, they did not rule out the possibility that an accomplice may have been involved. Sources say Cho was carrying a backpack that contained receipts for a March purchase of a Glock 9 mm pistol. Witnesses had told authorities that the shooter was carrying a backpack. Police also said this morning that Cho had a .22 caliber pistol. Sections of chain similar to those used to lock the main doors at Norris Hall, the site of the second shooting that left 31 dead, were also found inside a Virginia Tech dormitory, sources confirmed to ABC News.

EH2 GSR 7232

Dee Dee Dee
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so another words you have less than no reason to have said such an ignorant comment? and you cant explain yourself?


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Maybe the RA wasn't sleeping with the guys g/f. An article on Fox News said the RA "tried to intervene in an argument between the two." Just trying to do his RA job.. what a shame..
