heaten the tires


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i dont believe a single one of you when you try to act like you dont race your car. I understand most of you aren't dumb enough to go 90 in a 35 but honestly if someone pulls up to you at a stoplight and you can tell their car is modded or that they have some sort of interest in cars, i KNOW every single one of you has tried to race them, at least up to the speed limit. Ive done it, you've done it, 60 year old grown men do it. Its fun and thats the reason we put money into our cars TO ENJOY IT AND HAVE FUN. So get off your high horse and stop acting like you're so cool and mature because you don't drive your car like its meant to be (or at least looks like its meant to be) driven.
Well first off. Civic's are meant to be econobox's. Whether you have a turbo charged k-series in it or a stock d16, in the end, it's still a Civic and was designed to be a cheap, affordable, reliable, and gas efficient car.

Secondly, no, I don't race my car. I beat on my car but I don't race people. Like I said, I know my car is slow. I'm not a 16 year old school kid that thinks I/H/E adds 30-40 hp. Going 120mph is not fun for me. It just gets you where you're going faster. Is it an adrenaline rush? Yes. Can a stock civic go 120mph daily with ease? Hell to the nah. That's why I'd rather have fun on turns and twisty roads.

Mad Dog Tannen

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^ Agreed. I loved how my Civic handled like a go-cart. But it was just too gutless to keep up with sports cars.


Frame Bangin
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yeah. very true. but cant deny this, its more fun to drive a slow car fast than a fast car slow


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drop them out of a plane, and fill it with concrete. they might hit 230
depending on where you are on earth.. thats not necessarily true. It's called terminal velocity, there's only so fast you can fall. Its the mix between wind resistance and uhmm drag? i think..


Frame Bangin
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lol i know. it will reach a max speed for that reason, resistance. but it sounded good lol and you cant make it go any faster than it will hit there. hence why i said might

got traction

i rock the sohc
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when i drive my turbo car people try to race me all the time


lol this thread has gone pretty far why i dont know but ok.
lmao on the burr
i havent been banned because i believe i havent back talked crap otherwise from the rest
yada yada about the street racing i could care less joy killers
BTW! um where can i get me some DR-20 0 Offset?


um and to the person who believes i dont know about cars please ive done my research crappy countless hours reading stupidity from others crashed totaled old ass men it happens and NO i dont have I/H/E its bone stock
the fact that i rushed passed the RSX because i wasnt going to be left like a d**k on a light probably one of the guys that i know from newark was in the car


Frame Bangin
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do you understand that he has a real race car, and that the statement is in fact true, and funny.
Buzz i meant the other person would fail. He would make them look stupid. i know he has a legit race car, it made me want to build and boost a d series. Im not stupid. He said people try to race him not him try to race them

Mad Dog Tannen

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um and to the person who believes i dont know about cars please ive done my research crappy countless hours reading stupidity from others crashed totaled old ass men it happens and NO i dont have I/H/E its bone stock
the fact that i rushed passed the RSX because i wasnt going to be left like a d**k on a light probably one of the guys that i know from newark was in the car
Is that english? What are you at, a 2nd grade reading level?

You aren't texting brah!


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my balls itch you think i should use baby powder or lotion ? if i use lotion i mite be tempted to spank it and that would ruin my new years resolution.

got traction

i rock the sohc
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my balls itch you think i should use baby powder or lotion ? if i use lotion i mite be tempted to spank it and that would ruin my new years resolution.
baby powder, but dont use too much...you dont want to bake bread :lol:


Frame Bangin
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lol baby power for sure. stop them from sticking to your leg then too


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f**k lotion or baby powder. You can smell baby powder easily and it is just AWKWARD. Maybe get rid of your crabs and your balls wont itch.
