What are you doing / did you do today / CHAT THREAD


RHD is where its at
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Work and now dinner before the boys Christmas music recital thingy majiggy.


Avi, pull your socks up.
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Ended up going home. I had a horrible pain in my stomach and I had to run to the bathroom three times due to nausea.

Now I'm bored and at home. I want my man to come home and take care of me.


#1 a*****e
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Ended up going home. I had a horrible pain in my stomach and I had to run to the bathroom three times due to nausea.

Now I'm bored and at home. I want my man to come home and take care of me.
pain + nausea, what could it be!



Avi, pull your socks up.
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out on bail
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My girl turned 21 today so I'm getting drunk. :P


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Staying up late writing a short paper on how Christianity has been impeding social change ever since its creation.


gt CasaNova
Registered VIP
Sitting in class have to study my ass off tonight for 2 test along with making excel spreadsheet for another class. Which I will be taking a test early for. Have drill from Friday through sunday. Go back to school monday take a test then it's on to finals


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Have two 5-8 shifts this week. Six hours -_-

Sent from my Incredible 2 using Tapatalk


Avi, pull your socks up.
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It's definitely not preggoness. I was flu-ey. Headache, sinuses all clogged up, super sore throat, really achy....

And I feel WAY better today.


Boost Junkie
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It's definitely not preggoness. I was flu-ey. Headache, sinuses all clogged up, super sore throat, really achy....

And I feel WAY better today.

Work day has now slowed down, but I have more s**t to do. I want to spend a bunch of monies, but at the same time, I know I shouldn't.. Xmas shopping sucks balls :(


Frame Bangin
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went a picked out a new bed room set, that comes Tuesday

finger still hurts from smashing it at work, keeps bleeding


gt CasaNova
Registered VIP

Work day has now slowed down, but I have more s*** to do. I want to spend a bunch of monies, but at the same time, I know I shouldn't.. Xmas shopping sucks balls :(
You can buy me a traction bar off of here. Their then Xmas won't suck. Hell I will send you a Xmas card with my kid


Frame Bangin
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Post pic. How bad is it?
does look so bad now that it was two days ago, a bar fell on my finger and it split it down to the bone. was pretty nasty, I could see the joint when I moved it. but I super glued it back together, I had to get the mill running so couldn't stop working

