Anyone else keep track of their MPG?


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i just did mine. i got 365.5 on 10 gallons so 33mpg


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30, 35, hell I'll even say as high as 42 is probably possible in our cars on the highway. But 55 mpg, unless you've found the highest mountain ever and your just putting your car in neutral and coast all the car down, there’s no way you can get 55 mpg.


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5+ Year Member
Well considering my car is rated for 46 mpg highway and I did alot of coasting I don't find it all that hard to believe. Ohh and btw 110/2.1=52 mpg not 55


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5+ Year Member
Nope. 5th gen cx it's only an 8 valve plus it's a hatch so the car is super light.
