Freaking COPS *NWS*

96 DX Hatch

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Find where cop lives.
Sneak up one night, bash him in the head with a lead pipe.
Chop off his limbs
Chop off his fingers/toes
Now chop the fingers and toes into their sections
Burn the tips of each
Bash his mouth with the lead pipe a few times
Collect teeth in bag
Burn the corpse
Toss corpse in trunk
Drive a few hours away, occasionally opening teeth bag along the way to scatter the bits
Also throw a piece of burned carcus out every 20 miles or so
When there's nothing left, throw the pipe in the nearest lake or river
Burn the clothes you did this in
Speak nothing of it.

or just avoid doing dumb things when police are present.


D17A2 User
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you sound as if youve done that before :roll:

Find where cop lives.
Sneak up one night, bash him in the head with a lead pipe.
Chop off his limbs
Chop off his fingers/toes
Now chop the fingers and toes into their sections
Burn the tips of each
Bash his mouth with the lead pipe a few times
Collect teeth in bag
Burn the corpse
Toss corpse in trunk
Drive a few hours away, occasionally opening teeth bag along the way to scatter the bits
Also throw a piece of burned carcus out every 20 miles or so
When there's nothing left, throw the pipe in the nearest lake or river
Burn the clothes you did this in
Speak nothing of it.


The thing is that this guy is the only one that messes with me. All the other officers know I don't race around and can't. Yeah I have prior speeding tickets which where on highways and its always on my way home from work. You know how it feels when you do a 12 hour shift an you still have to drive an hour to get home. For christsake I'm 27 not some teenager.


New Member
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Any update? That really sucks and I'd like to hear what's happening...


Going in on the 28th, I think or close to that date. I found where the witness said he saw me. He must have xray vision cause he has to look through a liqour store and a motel to see where I suppossibly did it.


New Member
5+ Year Member
Keep us updated! I get profiled all the time too...they REALLY don't understand how slow these cars are unless you stick big $$$ into them...I don't have an exhaust or anything. I'm ONLY lowered with rims and they assume me a ricer, or whatever.


R.I.P Stephen Jackson
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you're lucky you dont live in california. they would make you pop the hood and check out your mods. then they cavity search you and tell you your CARB exempt intake and header are illegal. a CHP told me i had to get my car smogged again after each mod. (aem intake and DC header) but didnt give me a ticket for it. BullShit!

$lick Rick

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Freaking COPS
i want to contribute to 7th gen tech too...... so here it goes

(. )( .)


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$lick Rick

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besides the fact that they're made of characters and less than 1/4" tall.... i think they look fine

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$lick Rick

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that sounds racist

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Nah not racist. I've seen costa rican boob jobs. They look cheap and offcenter. Almost comical when you see them.


SubGenius Member
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WTF is up with cops and license plates?

I got hassled for a license plate frame that covered up like 3/32nds of an inch of the word TEXAS on my plate.

The letters are 7/8ths of a inch tall. most kindergarteners would be able to read a word the word TEXAS with 3/32nds of the word obscured. But not this cop.

To make it worse, all Arlington cops have to have a 4 year degree. A bachelor's degree and he can't read.:smackself:

To make it even worse, it was a Dallas Stars license plate. WTF other state besides Texas would have Dallas Stars plates?

What a moron.

And now the cops are hassling people for ziptied plates? WTF?! I had my whole plastic bumper cover held on with zipties after a little beach mishap. (Daytona....named after a beach but should not be driven on the beach):lol:


Civic From Hell
5+ Year Member
fight those MFr's
that same thing happened to me. but i won. cops just have problems with imports


Stickin it to the Man
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omg this thread is NWS now :shock:


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If you have the money hire an attorney that specializes in traffic offenses!
