Have you ever encountered "Honda Haters"?


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I've never had an issue with cops or others. Well, my group of friends give me s**t but that's about it. Had a EJ8 for 7 years and the VW R32 for 3.


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Tacoma (where Ft. Lewis is located) is completely different than Seattle. Seattle is a MAJOR metropolitan city (think mini scaled down New York), where as South Tacoma where Ft. Lewis main gate is just outside of is more of a rural area. If you get out to where the east gate is (near Roy, McKenna, Yelm), you are in the woods with mainly highway roads. Hell Ft. Lewis is HUGE, it's pretty much a city by it's self.


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Sometimes I swear...the world is full of haters. I'm far from having the nicest Honda on the road but I think it looks pretty good. I'm getting it pretty close to the way I invisioned it. I get some good feedback from time to time, but some asshats just have go out of their way to express how much they dislike my car, whether it be face to face or on the road. It may just be an act of machismo on their part... I also feel like cops just love to harass and follow me around, my Cobra goes off like crazy any time a cop spots me or is in my field of vision.

Have you ever experienced a similar situation?
What kind of car do you drive and do you have exterior mods? (I feel this may be the culprit)
Do you believe in Muscle vs. Import?

Thanks in advance for your responses, I look forward to reading them. :smileyR:
yes. i've experienced this.i roll my window up and look straight forward - not even giving them a chance at my attention. do not stress over it one bit, you're health is not worth it.


#1 a*****e
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Sometimes I swear...the world is full of haters. I'm far from having the nicest Honda on the road but I think it looks pretty good. I'm getting it pretty close to the way I invisioned it. I get some good feedback from time to time, but some asshats just have go out of their way to express how much they dislike my car, whether it be face to face or on the road. It may just be an act of machismo on their part... I also feel like cops just love to harass and follow me around, my Cobra goes off like crazy any time a cop spots me or is in my field of vision.

Have you ever experienced a similar situation?
What kind of car do you drive and do you have exterior mods? (I feel this may be the culprit)
Do you believe in Muscle vs. Import?

Thanks in advance for your responses, I look forward to reading them. :smileyR:
i'll just take this step by step as i am pretty high up their in the hater rankings.

1. i can't believe u give a s**t what anyone other than u thinks about your car. or that you're going out of your way to express some asshats opinions to us. like we would care.

- cops are paid to catch speeders. if u drive a type of car that is often caught speeding they aren't doing it just to u. they're probably doing it to every modified car.

A: no because i don't give a s**t.

B: exterior mods don't mean anything. clear tail lights are just as pointless as having 600hp and having to drive the speed limit. or having uncontrollable torque steer (talking fwd cars here)

C: its all cars. i don't care which is which. top fuel dragsters are all rwd though. i guess that means they win. if u care.


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honestly, iv been on every side of the fence, it does not matter what you drive, people are going to hate. i had a camaro and ford people hate on you and imports rev at you. iv had a mustang, and chevy people hate on you and imports rev on you and hate. iv had a mini truck, and pretty much everyone dislikes you except other mini truckers. now i have a domestic tuner car (focus zx3) now i get hate from import people, chevy people, mini truckers, and just people in general.

all in all you have to learn to not give a f**k, and do what YOU wanna do and say f**k it to everyone else and their opinions. you will learn soon young jedi

96 DX Hatch

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Yellow & loud (Invidia = ear killer), I dont hear too much but I'm sure some people dislike it.

I used to get a kick out of seeing/hearing people mistake it for a lambo, ferrari, viper, etc.

The only stuff in-person was a group of old guys checking out and asking what it was only to hear "oh its just a honda" and walk off...or the douche look at an s2 meet and told his wife to check out all the miatas :lol:

nothin much on my end


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I've only been talked crap too once or twice from a few Mustangs while driving to work or something. Everyone around here usually respects everyone elses stuff.


OG スバリスト
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there's a lot of hate and s**t talking out there..... but nobody ever hates on my subie.


#1 a*****e
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there's a lot of hate and s*** talking out there..... but nobody ever hates on my subie.
i could have sworn this guy named anfrey hated on your subies rear wing if i;m not mistaken =)

Slow y Low

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The point you made is very true R3dline, I guess humans are just naturally indifferent to things they don't agree with or like. Hey man, you're cool with us!! :thumbs up

Hecz. Yep, I ignore them as much as possible. If anything it probably pisses them off more that I don't acknowledge them. What bothers me is when they cut me off with inches to spare...

Itsmycookie. Maybe you didn't understand what I was trying to explain/ask. I stated that I have my car very close to the WAY I INVISIONED/WANTED it to look. I don't really care what they think but i do appreciate the positive feedback of others. I don't go around asking "So what do you think of my car?" to make myself feel better. <===I know people that do this and its kinda lame to be honest. Maybe they are attention whores and just want people to notice them? I thought cops were here to serve and protect? That should be the top priority I feel. I'm saying maybe HID's, large spoilers/wings, bright paint color, loud exhaust can bring more attention upon yourself from the law...anyways I was simply giving an example. I started this thread because I was very curious and wanted others to share their personal experience with us. Also, I don't think you should judge people if you don't personally know them (such as myself), just saying....

Anfrey this is true and had to accept this a long time ago, some people LIVE off of the hate of others. I bet nobody hates your Subaru...unless they are behind you and losing. Ha!


100% real juice
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Haterz gon' hate. I get most of my hatred from domestics but barely, where I live in california is like 20min away from honda tuning/ and stealing central so not too many problems with haterz. Not to mention my group of car friends consists of a cougar, other hondas, miata, wrx, a camaro, etc. If your a real car enthusiast it doesn't matter what you drive, you can appreciate any car for is own reasons. As for cops I catch cops eyes cuz of the exhaust then they generally follow me cuz of the skin. I deliver in a majorly white town for work and I've been followed for a mile + by several cops there as hey probably run my plates and wait for me to f**k up I suppose. No biggie, comes with the territory.


#1 a*****e
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Itsmycookie. Maybe you didn't understand what I was trying to explain/ask. I stated that I have my car very close to the WAY I INVISIONED/WANTED it to look. I don't really care what they think but i do appreciate the positive feedback of others. I don't go around asking "So what do you think of my car?" to make myself feel better. <===I know people that do this and its kinda lame to be honest. Maybe they are attention whores and just want people to notice them? I thought cops were here to serve and protect? That should be the top priority I feel. I'm saying maybe HID's, large spoilers/wings, bright paint color, loud exhaust can bring more attention upon yourself from the law...anyways I was simply giving an example. I started this thread because I was very curious and wanted others to share their personal experience with us. Also, I don't think you should judge people if you don't personally know them (such as myself), just saying...
is that whole blob meant for me?

i honestly cant bother to read it if u aren't going to bother separating it into paragraphs.

u wanted people to respond. i gave u my opinion. end of story.


B20: Detroit Muscle!
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i live 20 mins from Detroit, so naturally i am a minority. lots of trucks and v8's, but ive been driving a civic for so long i don't let it bother me anymore.
when i used to live in NJ the import scene was more common, but i still got messed with sometimes by the random truck. one time 3 kids in a truck started chasing me and my buddy and started throwing crap at my car on the highway. they threw a damn glass snapple bottle at my car, that s**t ain't cool.
i also had a big ford diesel truck try and race me, it was funny cause i beat him, let off the gas, and then of course he kept going and at the next light he was talking smack cause he thought he won lmao


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Im in high school. so... yeah. Not to much though. Just the mustang douches that know nothing about cars.


gt CasaNova
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I dont get hated on and surprisingly never have. Used to have occasional rev uo at me thats it. I think most of ppl who knew me knew I talked more s**t about my car than anybody.


I had a Civic once.
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My buddy hates Honda's, but he drives an SRT-4 so joke's on him :lol:
