xploder your quote in your sig is f**king halarious.
turbo95eg6 please post a link to the post i changed. i dont recall doing it.
and rules are rules. if i posted a pic of a chicks ass with nothing on as my avvy id expect it to be removed. but i wouldnt deliberatly do it again just to see how long it takes to get removed.
bottom line. you were asked to remove your avvy and not post anything like it again... you failed to comply. you were banned.
no different as if turbo95eg6 were to go out and flame people left and right. he will be told to stop. if he fails to comply... ban will insue. he knows that....its the rules. i believe Eran was banned indefinatly for this very same reason.
rules arent bent for any one person. just because maybe someone got away with it a little longer than you.. doesnt mean that we didnt catch it. we as green people dont have the power to remove sigs or avvys. nor the power to ban anyone. we have to present our case to the red man or a blue man. if they see it as ban worthy. it will be banned. they ask us all the time about people and what we think should be done. we voice our opinion but in the end the admin has the final decision.
if you want an apology... go talk to an admin. they banned you.. and i believe anthony was the one to do it... and as it sounds.... your not getting anything out of him.