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There are little push pins on the right of stickied threads.
What about making them stick out a little more by changing the font color of them? Or having a little grouping up above the rest of the threads so they stand out a bit.


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What about making them stick out a little more by changing the font color of them? Or having a little grouping up above the rest of the threads so they stand out a bit.
That's what I'm trying to get at.. Here, every thread looks similar, sticky or not. There's no color difference, no border, no nothing. Just says "sticky" in the thread title and it has that pin on the right. I use 1920x1080 resolution and this site is SO spread out on that big of a resolution...I don't even bother to look on the right side of the monitor for a tiny pin.

This is what a local forum looks like :

You can see the stickies are grouped off from the rest and they're very easy to notice at first glance, without even having to look at the "sticky" in the thread titles.


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I dont know John. I dont think that is enough of a difference in the 2 sections to warrant the change. I was thinking something a little more drastic. Maybe if for that background color of the stickies were all red and the other threads were white then yes.


Here's my challenge to CC:

Is CC willing to make the DRAMATIC changes needed at the leadership level to make this a better than average Civic site? Small incremental changes only serve to delay the inevitable. BIG CHANGES are the only way to move forward. Unfortunately, I sense CC is content with the status quo. Status quo = death and irrelevance. It's time to really shake things up.

With that said, I have no expectations whatsoever that any substantial change will come from this thread. It was a great idea, but those who are in charge have no interest in the BIG changes that are really needed. Ideas that you have come to believe are true are not.


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Ron, I know we aren't supposed to comment much in this thread....but that was only so that we don't plant seeds of what WE (staff members) want from the site. I just wanted to say, we have discussed many ideas, and we ARE prepared to make changes that could benefit the site.


Ron, I know we aren't supposed to comment much in this thread....but that was only so that we don't plant seeds of what WE (staff members) want from the site. I just wanted to say, we have discussed many ideas, and we ARE prepared to make changes that could benefit the site.
Ask yourselves whether the small changes you are considering are BIG ENOUGH. Little tweaks will bring you right back where you are now. This site needs new leadership or it needs the leaders to undergo HUGE GRAND CANYON-SIZED philosophical changes. Anything else will be useless. The small things that have been tried in the past have resulted in little or no progress. Shake things up in dramatic ways at the top.

Is Jay Jay willing to say publicly that HE is fully content with how things have been run so far. If he does, then what's the point of this thread. Just close it, because nothing important will result from this discussion.


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I really want to see Featured Rides come back... I entered the one featured rides contest a few months ago, but it got closed/cancelled? There also used to be monthly photography contests with a prize for the winner, which I also began to enter and once again they stopped continuing the contests. Bring these things back!!


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Ron - I'd like to hear you further expand upon what you've said. If you don't feel comfortable doing it in this thread, send me a PM. It sounds like you have an idea of something that has a good chance of working and I'd like to hear more about it


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I second what Joe says. Ron....if you have any ideas that you wish to share, PLEASE share them. What do you mean by new leadership, or what do you mean by the current leaders need to undergo a huge change? I am intrigued, and willing to hear ANY suggestion and will not take offense to anything as well.


I generally avoid making cryptic statements. I thought it was quite clear what I was suggesting. By leadership, I meant exactly that -- those who make nearly all the decisions for CC. There are two individuals at CC who hold leadership positions, and they are both administrators. From what I can tell, Justin (an administrator and the owner of CC) has relinquished all day-to-day decision making to Anthony. I am suggesting that the only way to make positive progress is for Justin to ask Anthony to step down and to replace him with someone else. If making significant changes is a genuine goal, there's no way to do that with Anthony in control. If there were, the change would have already happened and there would be no reason to have this discussion. My honest assessment here should not be misconstrued to suggest that I don't like Anthony. He seems like a good guy but I just don't believe he can lead the site forward from here.

The next question in this scenario is who would replace Anthony? It would seem that Joey is next in line. If so, Joey should fight very hard to develop a different style and philosophy than Anthony has. Otherwise nothing will change. And when it comes to staff interactions, be open minded and a good listener, take ALL suggestions seriously, and don't be dismissive. A dictatorial administrator is an ineffective leader.

And work on improving the Civic/tech side of this forum. It's currently very weak compared to many other Honda sites. The staff needs to determine why this has happened and how to reverse it. Again, I think this can be traced to Anthony, though I don't think it was a conscious effort. Start by recruiting some tech smart members to join the staff and do your best to hold on to them and keep them active on the boards.

And to all the mods - don't be yes men. I'm not saying to be disrespectful or disruptive. You do the site a disservice by agreeing with everything the administrator says.

Finally, why doesn't Justin regularly participate in mod forum discussions? Having the thoughts and vision from somebody with a vested interest in CC would be an invaluable resource. It would also help keep the staff pointed in the right direction.


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We appreciate your honesty and insight. The same goes to everyone else. Please continue to speak your mind.


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I generally avoid making cryptic statements. I thought it was quite clear what I was suggesting. By leadership, I meant exactly that -- those who make nearly all the decisions for CC. There are two individuals at CC who hold leadership positions, and they are both administrators. From what I can tell, Justin (an administrator and the owner of CC) has relinquished all day-to-day decision making to Anthony. I am suggesting that the only way to make positive progress is for Justin to ask Anthony to step down and to replace him with someone else. If making significant changes is a genuine goal, there's no way to do that with Anthony in control. If there were, the change would have already happened and there would be no reason to have this discussion. My honest assessment here should not be misconstrued to suggest that I don't like Anthony. He seems like a good guy but I just don't believe he can lead the site forward from here.

The next question in this scenario is who would replace Anthony? It would seem that Joey is next in line. If so, Joey should fight very hard to develop a different style and philosophy than Anthony has. Otherwise nothing will change. And when it comes to staff interactions, be open minded and a good listener, take ALL suggestions seriously, and don't be dismissive. A dictatorial administrator is an ineffective leader.

And work on improving the Civic/tech side of this forum. It's currently very weak compared to many other Honda sites. The staff needs to determine why this has happened and how to reverse it. Again, I think this can be traced to Anthony, though I don't think it was a conscious effort. Start by recruiting some tech smart members to join the staff and do your best to hold on to them and keep them active on the boards.

And to all the mods - don't be yes men. I'm not saying to be disrespectful or disruptive. You do the site a disservice by agreeing with everything the administrator says.

Finally, why doesn't Justin regularly participate in mod forum discussions? Having the thoughts and vision from somebody with a vested interest in CC would be an invaluable resource. It would also help keep the staff pointed in the right direction.
Great points. I completely agree. Seems like nothing ever gets done around here. If something does, it's small. Nothing really changes and life goes on.

I have always wondered by Justin never participates. Even if he has a regular job and a life outside this forum. He still pays (or through site sponsors, whatever) to have this site up and running under his name. It's like he just bought it, appointed Anthony, and said "peace out, do what you want with it". Except the fact that NOTHING happens on this site... So many tech threads are left unanswered.

Like I said before, Justin and Anthony not participating shows that they don't really care about this forum and that this isn't being taken seriously.


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I generally avoid making cryptic statements. I thought it was quite clear what I was suggesting. By leadership, I meant exactly that -- those who make nearly all the decisions for CC. There are two individuals at CC who hold leadership positions, and they are both administrators. From what I can tell, Justin (an administrator and the owner of CC) has relinquished all day-to-day decision making to Anthony. I am suggesting that the only way to make positive progress is for Justin to ask Anthony to step down and to replace him with someone else. If making significant changes is a genuine goal, there's no way to do that with Anthony in control. If there were, the change would have already happened and there would be no reason to have this discussion. My honest assessment here should not be misconstrued to suggest that I don't like Anthony. He seems like a good guy but I just don't believe he can lead the site forward from here.

The next question in this scenario is who would replace Anthony? It would seem that Joey is next in line. If so, Joey should fight very hard to develop a different style and philosophy than Anthony has. Otherwise nothing will change. And when it comes to staff interactions, be open minded and a good listener, take ALL suggestions seriously, and don't be dismissive. A dictatorial administrator is an ineffective leader.

And work on improving the Civic/tech side of this forum. It's currently very weak compared to many other Honda sites. The staff needs to determine why this has happened and how to reverse it. Again, I think this can be traced to Anthony, though I don't think it was a conscious effort. Start by recruiting some tech smart members to join the staff and do your best to hold on to them and keep them active on the boards.

And to all the mods - don't be yes men. I'm not saying to be disrespectful or disruptive. You do the site a disservice by agreeing with everything the administrator says.

Finally, why doesn't Justin regularly participate in mod forum discussions? Having the thoughts and vision from somebody with a vested interest in CC would be an invaluable resource. It would also help keep the staff pointed in the right direction.
I have to agree with you on this one. I was actually thinking about the the other night when it was mentioned. My thoughts were the same as to next in line as well. Joe has been around for quite some time and always keeps his cool, no matter what the situation. I don't think I have ever seen him go off or be disrespectful toward someone.

And for the record, I can't stand Yes men. My boss's boss is like that at work and it drives me up the wall. Then people start to expect to much out of people, even things that can't be done.


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looking at the forum home page, it states the most active members online record is on 3-29-2011... could this mean that "redundant" threads are actually on the decline, and that people are using the search button, AND "stupid" posts are on the decent? i mean yeah there is less posting than before but it would seem to me that there are a ton of members active, and we always have a strong guest presence too.

MAYBE there is no need to change the site, unless perhaps its out of need/greed for the growth of the site.

also noteworthy, honda-tech has 456,000 regestered members and clubcivic has 105,000 users, and that is pretty good if you think about how many more models honda-tech covers, and how many more "experts" are there.

the bread and butter of this site forever has been that its not a "hater-tech" honestly i believe that mods need to really protect new members from the likes of haters, yes we are entitled to opinions but so called "anti-troll" members need to curb the interweb-justice-league-tough-guy act.

when i started there were i believe more mods, a lot more than there are right now, and i feel that they were much more approachable, maybe i just dont know some of the guys well enough, but i feel they need to be more active. -by this i dont necessarily mean that the current staff needs to become more active, but i think that you need more staff to post at the current rate, to give the appearance that there is a strong staff presence, may keep trolls/thugs at bay.



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Just to clear up some of this that has been directed towards me...

I became a staff member on this site when arguing was the norm..... EVERY thread would end in complete and total chaos.. and MOST of the staff was involved.. so I left... I only came back after LENGTHY discussions with Justin.. and I came back as an Smod.... the reason that I transitioned to Admin is simple.. Justin is just not around all the time.. and he knows that for the most part.. we agree.. so if he is not around and something has to happen.. he is comfortable that I will make the same decision that he would make....

In regards to Ron..... and what he said.. what he said IS partially true.. but only partially true... If I want to make huge sweeping changes or not is irrelevant... because my position is one to balance the wishes of ALL those involved.. staff.. sponsors.. the owner.. and of course the members (which encompasses both OG chatty "club" members.. and newer more automotive oriented "civic" members...

Ron you pointed out a ton of weakness in the staff structure and made many recommendations to make changes.... you also pointed out other issues... but when they were not immediately embraced or handled you seemed to lose interest... you seemed to view my position as one of absolute authority... you have also not taken into account the politics...

I know the system is broken.. neither myself or Justin is completely happy with the present state of things hence this thread...

there are some things we want to do sooner than later..
you will notice in recent weeks the staff has been adjusted..
we have discussed adding some additional forums and contests...
we are looking to bring back the chat..
and more..

we recognize there is a problem..
when you said to me so and so is an issue I saw the problem..

but nothing happens over night..

as far as my unusual lack of activity over the last couple months... I lost my job.. I am probably moving... and I got engaged.. so my life has just been hectic.. doesnt mean I don't care or wont be around.. just a temporary thing.. and even with that said I am still on pretty often..


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^^Change is coming. We're actively working to make this site work for you and for us (mods are members too...). Don't let the ideas stop. If you continue to have more, please continue to post them up. We are actively working to make changes.


Anthony, let me preface this post by saying that your comments here are among the most candid public words about CC and yourself that I can ever remember coming from you. That is in and of itself a little bit of progress. I'm just curious why Justin seems to avoid at all cost having similar open discussions with members or with staff in the mod forum (at least in the short time I was a mod). It's not like he never posts. He just never engages in any meaningful or substantial discussions on really crucial issues. Surely Justin must have some of his own personal concerns, visions, and ideas for this site. What are they? What does HE want this site to become? What does HE hope to accomplish with this thread? What does HE see as CC's strengths and weaknesses? How does HE think the Club and Civic components should interface, complement one another, and be balanced? Sharing these visions (at least in the mod forum) would go a long way toward guiding and shaping this site in a more effective way. Or does Justin's silence indicate that he prefers not to think about these issues because he's lost interest in CC?

Another point worth making is that this thread will primarily draw responses from only long time members. This leaves out a large pool of voices who mostly will never respond in this thread -- new members (=future) who have the potential to become long term OG members. I would think Justin is highly interested in this silent group. Yet this group is actually speaking to you if you care to read their posts -----> they want Civic tech.

I became a staff member on this site when arguing was the norm..... EVERY thread would end in complete and total chaos.. and MOST of the staff was involved.. so I left... I only came back after LENGTHY discussions with Justin.. and I came back as an Smod.... the reason that I transitioned to Admin is simple.. Justin is just not around all the time.. and he knows that for the most part.. we agree.. so if he is not around and something has to happen.. he is comfortable that I will make the same decision that he would make...
You have reiterated what is already well known. Justin has chosen you to be in charge, and that's what you have done. But when things are not going well, who should take the heat? Face it Anthony, you make ALL the key decisions for this site. You might politely entertain some staff chatter in the mod forum, but in the end you do whatever you like. There's nobody to stop you. If the goal of a company is to improve, you fire the CEO and find a replacement who has new visions and ways of doing things. Therein lies my opinion that you should be replaced. You shouldn't take my comments personally. It just seems like the obvious next step to me. With that said, I really don't know who could possibly replace you and do better. Joey is on the way to grad school, and I think he underestimates the time commitment required there. This is where Justin not being active on the boards has crippled himself. He's not familiar with the pool of potentially talented and committed members. The high turnover of mods and the inexperience of the current ones (except Joey) don't give Justin a lot of options.

In regards to Ron..... and what he said.. what he said IS partially true.. but only partially true... If I want to make huge sweeping changes or not is irrelevant... because my position is one to balance the wishes of ALL those involved.. staff.. sponsors.. the owner.. and of course the members (which encompasses both OG chatty "club" members.. and newer more automotive oriented "civic" members...
I mostly disagree. Of course there are many interests to consider, but YOU ARE THE ONLY PERSON in a position to make sweeping changes because you can do almost whatever you want, as long as you or Justin can implement the changes within the boundaries of the software.

Ron you pointed out a ton of weakness in the staff structure and made many recommendations to make changes.... you also pointed out other issues... but when they were not immediately embraced or handled you seemed to lose interest... you seemed to view my position as one of absolute authority... you have also not taken into account the politics...
When my attempts to fix things that were obviously broken became futile, I moved on and redirected my efforts where I could have the greatest impact. I continue to be happy about this decision. Many mods were/are clearly content with the status quo of non-progress that was the norm in the mod forum. I was/am not. You are the site leader, so I naturally fault you with accepting and supporting the crippling resistance to make necessary and important change.

you will notice in recent weeks the staff has been adjusted..
As mentioned, the constant turnover of mods should be another reason for great concern. Ask yourself the introspective question of why this is likely happening.

as far as my unusual lack of activity over the last couple months... I lost my job.. I am probably moving... and I got engaged.. so my life has just been hectic...
I'm sorry to hear that. In my opinion, your reduced activity in the public forum is not of any great concern. A small number of high impact posts should be enough. In my view, your greater responsibility is to stimulate site activity through creative discussions with the staff and members and by acting promptly on feasible ideas. But to do this effectively, you or Justin must articulate a clear vision for the site to the staff and possibly the membership.


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^^To be fair.. and to give an outside opinion on this (outside of what you've seen, Ron.. and outside of just accepting anthony's word), Things have been very different in the mod lounge over the past several months, and they have not been as you described.. and as you experienced.

As one more note, Ron - I'm in my second semester of grad school / grad work and know exactly what to expect as far as time commitments go at this point. I don't think my activity in the mod lounge has suffered any more than minimally.

I'm really trying to keep quiet in this thread... but at the same time, I don't want to allow misconception to snowball. A note to other mods - if you think my activity in here is detrimental, please delete my replies and let me know.


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This thread seems pretty dead lately. It was active when it was first up but Ron seems to be the only person with ideas and actual real input.

Ultimately, it's up to you mods to decide what happens. I'm trying to help out where I can as far as helping out people and trying to +1 the tech side of the thread but like I said's the same damn threads.... Sometimes I just get so sick of reading them over and over, I don't bother replying. I know I shouldn't but seriously, how many times can you beat a dead horse?


^^To be fair.. and to give an outside opinion on this (outside of what you've seen, Ron.. and outside of just accepting anthony's word), Things have been very different in the mod lounge over the past several months, and they have not been as you described.. and as you experienced.
Did you intentionally say different rather than better? The dwindling number of staff members could be good or bad. For example, it could be good if you now have a small group of bright, creative, strong, and independently thinking mods who work effectively as a group. Alternatively, it could be bad if a negative environment has just selected for a small group of weak mods who are afraid to disagree with you and Anthony, or just don't know any better or don't care anymore. You need to figure out which it is. In my short time as a mod, the second scenario seemed to be the case. This was a natural consequence of the type of mod group Anthony had assembled and his inability, either knowingly or unknowingly, to censor flagrant intimidation tactics used by one mod, who I would characterize as Anthony's enforcer. This in turn fostered constant infighting and bad feelings as well as abject indifference in the mod forum, an environment that prevented any chance for making more than tiny positive changes. From what I could tell, most mods were just exhausted by all this infighting and just didn't care anymore. Was this invisible to Anthony or was it just how he wanted it to be?

As one more note, Ron - I'm in my second semester of grad school / grad work and know exactly what to expect as far as time commitments go at this point. I don't think my activity in the mod lounge has suffered any more than minimally.
You would seem to be a logical replacement for Anthony. But the fly in the ointment for this idea is Justin's silence and behind-the-curtain Wizard of Oz style. He apparently prefers making lifetime proxy admin appointments, sort of like U.S. Supreme Court Justices. So, in reality, I again have no expectation that Justin even reads threads like this one, let alone considers them seriously, as he chooses not to get tangled in such messy details, which seem to be Anthony's job description. Unfortunately for CC, Anthony will likely be the CC decision maker for quite some time to come.

However, if by some astronomically remote chance, I am wrong and Justin eventually decides to appoint you to be an administrator, then for the sake of CC, do everything in your power to comprehend what went wrong under Anthony and to determine how you will do things VERY differently. My one and only fear with your taking over is that you have become too accustomed/indoctrinated by the way things are and that you don't know how to be different. Your strength is clearly diplomacy, but if that's all you bring to the table, then little will likely get done.

Anthony, Justin, Joey: Please feel free to challenge me on anything that I've said. What I have written in this thread are my honest feelings. In my opinion, if you take them to heart rather than let them anger you, CC will become a stronger site.
