rear discs


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I'd rather do without this "asset" then have him post up and start s**t everytime.


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Originally posted by iamgod
EDIT: answer this simple question for me, WHAT STOPS A CAR?

A: The conversion of energy (ie: forward motion) into heat. I fail to see how larger rotors with stock calipers accomplishes this. the surface area of disc brake pad to rotor would remain constant. You would have to increase the pad surface area too. Then you would have drivability problems with imbalance between fronts and rears if you didn't do all four. Then you have ruined the factory set pressure values for the master cylinder...

Friction coefficient of tires and pavement do weigh heavily also. Anyone who has ever switched from P.O.S. store brand to a good brand name can attest to this.


Originally posted by shlammed
I think iamgod really thinks that HE IS God and like to start s**t with every posted on this site.

when you make blatantly stupid comments, they will be pointed out


Originally posted by shlammed
I'd rather do without this "asset" then have him post up and start s**t everytime.

right, so you would rather have incorrect information because you are butt hurt that your racist comment got you warned :roll:


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what did u say cracker? im hurt cuz i got warned you cracker? i dont think im very hurt cracker...if i was i wouldnt be calling you a cracker right now you cracker.


Originally posted by Beelzebubba
Originally posted by iamgod
EDIT: answer this simple question for me, WHAT STOPS A CAR?

A: The conversion of energy (ie: forward motion) into heat. I fail to see how larger rotors with stock calipers accomplishes this. the surface area of disc brake pad to rotor would remain constant. You would have to increase the pad surface area too. Then you would have drivability problems with imbalance between fronts and rears if you didn't do all four. Then you have ruined the factory set pressure values for the master cylinder...

Friction coefficient of tires and pavement do weigh heavily also. Anyone who has ever switched from P.O.S. store brand to a good brand name can attest to this.

exactly, larger rotors and stock calipers do not accomplish this, larger rotors dispurse heat better and therfore will have less of a chance of brake fade, a larger caliper would not necessairly stop the car better only offer more clamping force w/ a matched master cylinder, brake booster and prop valve is used, and you are 100% correct about the balance being upset by going super large in the front and not doing anything to the back, that is why a disc/drum proportioning valve ("4020") causes more pedal travel then a disc/disc proportioning valve ("4040"), because of the factory settings, when you upset that by using larger brakes and not changing the prop valve, m/c or booster all you are doing is putting LESS pressure on the larger system, which would achieve the SAME braking distances or even INCREASE your 60-0 foot reading.


Originally posted by shlammed
what did u say cracker? im hurt cuz i got warned you cracker? i dont think im very hurt cracker...if i was i wouldnt be calling you a cracker right now you cracker.

and your post has AGAIN been reported, AND since i have quoted it there is no editing it without them knowing what you really said.....good day


5+ Year Member
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lol dude you're hilarious...if i really cared about getting booted from the site do you think i would be on here calling you a cracker? there are plenty of civic websites out there and i couldn't care less if i got banned from this one. so good day to you too.


Originally posted by shlammed
lol dude you're hilarious...if i really cared about getting booted from the site do you think i would be on here calling you a cracker? there are plenty of civic websites out there and i couldn't care less if i got banned from this one. so good day to you too.

then why not leave now and save yourself further genius :roll:


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Originally posted by iamgod
then why not leave now and save yourself further genius :roll:


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#1 I don't see how I am being humiliated, all I see is you acting like this is kindergartend and you're telling on me lol so I'd say you are the one being humiliated.

#2 If I ever got banned and wanted to come back, I have a ton of IP's I can connect from...what are they gonna do? ban the whole internet? lol


Originally posted by shlammed
#1 I don't see how I am being humiliated, all I see is you acting like this is kindergartend and you're telling on me lol so I'd say you are the one being humiliated.

#2 If I ever got banned and wanted to come back, I have a ton of IP's I can connect from...what are they gonna do? ban the whole internet? lol

first of all you dont have a TON of ips to connect from, at your HOME you have a range only, they would ban the range, this would not stop you from accessing the site from other computers, HOWEVER if you started your hyjinx on another computer they would log the IP and ban that as well, and the only one acting like a kindergartener is the one who is calling people "cracker" :roll:


5+ Year Member
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first of all on things like DSL, if you ban the range you will be banning tons of customers...the ip's arent static and change to all sorts of different numbers (on my isp anyways). The only thing they would be able to do is ban every customer from Toronto. Second of all I have several proxies that I have access to and you would never know it was me. Third of all, I have several different places to connect to the internet from including more then one isp at home. thank you come again.


Originally posted by shlammed
first of all on things like DSL, if you ban the range you will be banning tons of customers...the ip's arent static and change to all sorts of different numbers (on my isp anyways). The only thing they would be able to do is ban every customer from Toronto. Second of all I have several proxies that I have access to and you would never know it was me. Third of all, I have several different places to connect to the internet from including more then one isp at home. thank you come again.

ugh you just keep digging yourself deeper.....DSL does not change all the numbers of an IP address everytime you sign on, it will change something like this

therfore the ban the last range and you are gone, and as i said, try your proxies and they log your IP again and ban you again, they would know its you from your racist and argumentitave remarks


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ugh and as i just said my isp doesn't change ranges like that...sometimes its 64.x.x.x sometimes its's definately never only the last octet changing.


Live Manikins
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shlammed: if you really dont care about being kicked, then you probably also dont really care about the site...

answer me this: why stay here if there are so many other civic forums?


5+ Year Member
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I already answered that question in the other thread. Why haven't you banned me already?
