Where do you work? What way does it suck


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I work for Bank of America as a teller. It's simply a part time job to fill the void until I leave. $11.50 an hour, which I don't feel is enough for what they expect from us. I can't complain too much though. Yes, there are stupid customers, and the job has a HUGE corporate America feel to it....but overall, I've had worse jobs.


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contract delivery driver for FedEx. nothing sucks about this job, they treat you well =)


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I love driving
ditto, that's probably my favorite part of my job, driving over to Augusta for parts...of course the shop truck is a beat-up chevy that has no working tach and speedometer...thank you God for the GPS that has a mph gauge...


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I work in it project management. It sucks because my boss does not let me travel with the season. So right now I am in Minnesota and will be back mid jan.


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I work for Bank of America as a teller. It's simply a part time job to fill the void until I leave. $11.50 an hour, which I don't feel is enough for what they expect from us. I can't complain too much though. Yes, there are stupid customers, and the job has a HUGE corporate America feel to it....but overall, I've had worse jobs.
Agh!!! B of A is one of our top competitors! Lol


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I work at Carlisle Regional Medical Center, the local hospital. I make $7.85/hour to run trays of food to patients in their rooms and wash dishes. It basically sucks. The guy in charge of me acts so tough and always yells at people, but is such a loser. He has six kids with six different women and has to pay so much child support he still lives in his dad's basement at 52 haha.
I get like 20-30 hours/week during the school year and 45-50 over the summer.


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i work 3rd shift maintenance at freshway foods. and... what doesnt suck about my job. i make 10.80 an our. i am in charge of pm's but end up doing a lot of calls while they are still running and fixing a lot of s**t they broke after they are gone, dodging 1" water hoses from sanitation. and the rest of the maint. guys make upwards of $17. and i get s**t on.


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Drive thru dude at McDonalds near my house, getting paid 7.30 / hr and have been working there for 7 months with no hope of a raise -____- cheap corporate bastards... I'm in an early college high school so I only work Fridays 5-10pm Sat 3-10pm and Sun 7-5pm, i also mentor underprivileged kids on Sat 9-12pm for 10/ hr but I do it for the kids to help em' out. Most of them come from horrible middle schools and lack the skills to get into a decent high school to reach their full potential, so my school employed me for that position. Becomes a full day in the summer but until them i have to find somewhere i can make at least 8 / hr on weekends cause they ask for way too much at McDonalds.....


Ninja Medic
Paramedic.....been doing it little over 7 years... love it.. work 7 days on 7 days off 12 hour shifts.. plus work part time at another service


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I hate Bank of America as a corporation. Take 'em down :twisted:
Every corporation sucks ass when it comes to finance. Especially when people who do the EXACT same s**t as you get paid more. I am 4th in the enterprise for sales out of 600 something people at my position and I get paid less than 75% of them when it comes to hourly wages.


RHD is where its at
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Oil and gas industry. Been at it since 19. Definitely pays the bills, but wondering if u will be laid off everyday sucks.

I also get shipped all over the u.s for undisclosed periods of time. Make all my money on overtime. Average 100 hours a week. On call 24/7/365. No such things as holidays off unless by chance...

Have two kids and a wife and i miss out on a lot. Plus Colorado is expensive as f*** to live and work!

Could be worse. Could be back underground mining coal...


RHD is where its at
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I work at the Institute for Simulation and Training as a research assistant. I'm on a contract, but if I calculated it out and included the tuition they pay, I make about $21 an hour. My job doesn't suck though.. I love my job and my boss is awesome, so I can't say I have too many complaints.

On the flip side, my job responsibilities are constantly changing, so I never get bored. I get to work with high level military officers (just met the head of simulation at 29 palms the other day, he's a major in the marines) and I'm constantly learning new things while I get to play with technology. Win win for me.
All this and i still cant get a damn sig made?


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I'm working for papajohn's as a driver. I make $5.25/hr + $1.25/run + tips. Slow days average about $10 - $12/hr. $Average days I make about $12.50 - $15.00/hr. Good days(more often than you think) I make $20 - $25.00/hr.

I beat the s*** out of my car, but that's why I drive a civic. There's pretty much nothing I dislike about this job. I love driving and like staying on my feet.
During the summer I almost took a delivery job for Dominoes Pizza. My best friends gf got a job there and said she got me in. Managers were willing to pick me up on the spot because she up sold (proper phrase?) me so much.if i wanted the job i would have just showed up for a certain time and it would have been my first day. I was on my way to go get the job and decided when I was half way there that i wasn't going to get it just because my entire night would be delivering pizza after working my first 2 jobs. I still kinda wish I took it at times just for extra cash to fart around on my car with. But at the same time I'm glad I didn't take it. Because 2 jobs + school is rough at times.
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100% real juice
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Oil and gas industry. Been at it since 19. Definitely pays the bills, but wondering if u will be laid off everyday sucks.

I also get shipped all over the u.s for undisclosed periods of time. Make all my money on overtime. Average 100 hours a week. On call 24/7/365. No such things as holidays off unless by chance...

Have two kids and a wife and i miss out on a lot. Plus Colorado is expensive as f*** to live and work!

Could be worse. Could be back underground mining coal...
Holy s**t man thats insane. Do u plan on tryna find something that gives u more family time?


Hell yea I suck toes!
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Hm. All these different occupations...pretty neat.

I work for the Department of Defense with the 'Global Police' division (Marine Corps). Currently deployed to southern Afghanistan with 'Division'. Now if i did my math right, I make $5.60 every hour before taxes/everything they take out.

Does it suck? Of course, what job dosent. Do people piss me off? What job dosent. Can I take someones head and throw it through a wall?...thats about the only perk of my job. I can tell people to f**k off and die and talk about fking farm animals and not get weird looks.

There are times where I'm praying for death and I'm absolutley miserable, but there's no one else i'd rather be miserable with than my boys.


Avi, pull your socks up.
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I work for the Department of Defense as a Air Terminal Operations Center controller at an international airport. The pay is okay; ($28 per hour) but, my schedule is made up based off the missions that we fly that week.

Worst part of the job is having a work cell phone that has to be with me 24/7/365 and having a 80 mile commute.
Ouccchhh. So you drive to SeaTac then?

got traction

i rock the sohc
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I work for Bank of America as a teller. It's simply a part time job to fill the void until I leave. $11.50 an hour, which I don't feel is enough for what they expect from us. I can't complain too much though. Yes, there are stupid customers, and the job has a HUGE corporate America feel to it....but overall, I've had worse jobs.
I effing hate bank of america. Their online banking is totally useless.
