Gaming Addicts - Who Here Is One?


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i used to be a hardcore pc gamer. i spent many hours playing Black and White, the Homeworld series(best game ever made for PC), unreal, some diablo 2, and a online game called Mankind.

as for the ps2, i live for the Metal Gear Solid series. best game ever. ive spent hundreds of hours playing the game, looking up all the info regarding the games story, everything. i know about all there is to know about Solid Snake and his many adventures.

the only reason im gonna buy a ps3 ius because of Metal Gear Solid 4. and maybe a little Devil May Cry 4 ;)


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I can't stop playing call to duty 3 on ps2

pretty fun game


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$lick Rick said:
i've been playing okami on the ps2 lately :what:
that game was so neat!

i didn't find all the stray beads... and i totally wasn't playing it again to get them all. :x

i don't think i've played a game since okami... i didn't finish FFXII... major f**king disappointment there.

ps3, ftw! i still want one rather badly... i love oblivion.. love love love. FFXIII and devil may cry 4 are games that i'm awaiting for that system, too. .... i couldn't beat devil may cry 3 though. that game was hard as fook. i might go back and retry, though i have no stinking time for games right now.

persona 3 was pushed back to june. :x it's for the ps2, and that's what i'm waiting for. :D


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It is SO awesome to read girls talking about nerdy stuff like games. I love it (not being sarcastic either and don't mean to offend you).

I was addicted to Gran Turismo 3 for PS2 like no other. I was like 68.9% through with the game when my brother decided to sell the PS2, games, memory cards, and controllers to his co-worker and use the money to buy a DVD player since we used the PS2 for DVD's more than games.

Looking back on my gaming life, that was so stupid. First 4 years I spent on Diablo 2 (was all of high school), I literally played 7-10 hours per day non-stop. The only tmie I got up was for bathroom and dinner.


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haha. gamer girls are a rarity, so i understand (i'm watching grandma's boy right now, fyi :lol:). i even get a little excited when i meet one. ;) most of my female friends were like, "i can play mario!"


i never understood the diablo obsession. my ex in high school loved that game. i played it a bit... it was okay... but nothing phenomenal. :what:

i'd never get rid of my ps2... we were using it every day for dvds when we didn't have cable... but... still. i love the ps2. :D my first run ps2 was stolen, and our second one started freaking out, so we had to get the slim one. i liked the big version more. the slim one is noisier and seems to get hotter for some reason. :what: even when we get the ps3, i'll hang onto our ps2. best console thus far. :D

*edit* i use a lot of freaking emotions! :shock:


AKA Theiven Stealberg
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Right now I'm addicted to Fight Night 3

just got over Saints Row

and I'm sure I'll be completely consumed by Forza Motorsport 2 :drool:


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I really don't know what it is about Diablo 2. I played LOD by the way. I wasn't around early enough to start classic and try to actually enjoy it. Went straight to LOD and fell in love. I dunno why it's so much fun. A lot of people say it's so tedious and boring but not when you're rich and you have friends that play 24/7 with you. That was the problem. I could afford ANY item I wanted at any time I wanted to and I had friends playing with me as long as I was awake and it was just so much fun.

But my girlfriend broke the CD's in half, cut some, and I threw out the rest and gave all my items away to my buddies. So I'm good :lol:.


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I don't get the whole Halo/Halo2 obsession. I have never found Halo to be a fun game. It's too futuristic and no real-type play. Too fantasy for me. I'm more into Counter-Strike. But even source is just way overdone IMHO.


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I'm thinking, once ladder resets, I MIGHT come back. Depends. If you use D2JSP, you'll know what forum gold (or FG) is. I gave my buddy 2000FG when I quit (all I had left) and so he pretty much still owes me that so if/when ladder resets on LOD, I might come back. Prices and duped s**t is so out of hand right now. That's 1 of the reasons why I quit. But the major reason is to change myself and stop stuff preventing me from moving on.


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amej, no video games for you!

no video games for me either... screw being a broke student with no time for games. screw it!


i make myself chuckle. heh.

so, i'm with you on the halo thing. i hate halo. i suck at those kind of games anyways.. but halo... ick. i watched joe play all of the first one. i thought it was sorta boring. :what:


Dude wheres my honda
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Does anyone remember the old PC games Bioforge, and Rise of the tryad??


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I couldn't connect to battlenet...

Dood amej8 if you do go back..lemme know...I need to level up and am still a relative noob


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If you use vent, come chill in my Ventrilo server. Read my siggy.


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I belong to an online gaming clan called Extreme Malice clan [em] . We started as a quake 3 arena clan but have over the years played many of games. I go from gamin to breaks at times but will always be a gamer at heart!!


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OMG I LOVED Q3A. I used to play that all the time. I had the ultra freeze mod and used to f**king OWN. With the grapple hook and rail gun only and freeze tag mod, OMG that was the BEST. Then I found out about CS and stopped Quake. I also had Quake 1 and my brother had the crack on floppy so I had the entire version. That was fun online too. With the rune mod or whatever. Get different runes to make you do stuff. Like some make you fly, others make you shoot fast (haste rune), etc.

Ah I think I'm gonna get back into Quake now....


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Yeah q3 was a blast in its day. A lot of my friends are going back to playing it again heh. So i guess you can tell where my name comes from now LOL but here i go by my short name Gibz but for my clan i am either GibletS or Gibbies heh. In 99 when i was playing q3 test i believe and was being shot to hell i said wow look i am just giblets everywhere lol. So it stuck amoung friends and just kept the name.


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Trbolvrcrx said:
Does anyone remember the old PC games Bioforge, and Rise of the tryad??
i remember bioforge but never played it. rise of the triad (ROTT) was the best game evar. that monk at the end that ended up turning into some kinda snake was hard as hell. and the robot boss was hard too. i loved all the weapons though.
