Illegal imigrants what you thing !!


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would it? i mean honestly.. as long as there was enough signage disclosing that you were about to enter a secure area.. and stating that violators would be killed on site.. i bet that would SERIOUSLY deter illegals if not stop it all together.. i mean lets face it.. youd get all the rednecks living on the border just waiting for some to cros.. and if i were in mexico.. as shitty as it might be.. i sure as hell would not want to be shot by some crazy redneck...

and then people cry and say to be compasionate they have bad lives there... i say the whole world is suffering... there are a lot of shitty places in the world... it is NOT our job to right all the wrongs in the world.....
i guess your right. shooting them WOULD stop em'. i wonder if it will ever come down to that. that would be crazy..


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would it? i mean honestly.. as long as there was enough signage disclosing that you were about to enter a secure area.. and stating that violators would be killed on site.. i bet that would SERIOUSLY deter illegals if not stop it all together.. i mean lets face it.. youd get all the rednecks living on the border just waiting for some to cros.. and if i were in mexico.. as shitty as it might be.. i sure as hell would not want to be shot by some crazy redneck...

and then people cry and say to be compasionate they have bad lives there... i say the whole world is suffering... there are a lot of shitty places in the world... it is NOT our job to right all the wrongs in the world.....
i think to some degree it is our duty to help them...lets not forget we have helped to create poverty all over the world...not all of it...but our hands are bloody.

and i completely agree with you about this country having lazy asses...i get 300 bucks taken out from each of my paychecks to pay for some lazy f**k who doesnt want to work. but for you to say that illegals are taking the jobs of uneducated americans....cmon...if you want to kick poeple out...i would much rather kick out a useless american and bring in a hardworking foreignger if were going on that theory.
a useless person is a useless matter if theyre my race, color, nationaltiy, whatever.

why would you want to kick out a hardworking immigrant so that a lazy uneducated american can then have his job only to have this American complaint about pay rate, and hours, and working conditions...cause you know thats what would happend if we were to do what you stated in your previous post.

then your 'healthy' salad at Mickey D's would coast 10 bucks a pop.


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why would you want to kick out a hardworking immigrant so that a lazy uneducated american can then have his job only to have them complaint about pay rate, and hours, and working conditions...cause you know thats what would happend if we were to do what you stated in your previous post.
one single document would get the immigrants not kicked out, till they get those documents they cant be here. thats what the americans stress dude, if they dotn have it on writing they cant be here. simple huh? now if it was only really that simple

Mr. Jollypants

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ii would much rather kick out a useless american and bring in a hardworking foreignger if were going on that theory.
I wouldn't.. Alot of Vietnam vets and other war veterans are Homeless.. So you'll be kicking out people who went to war for this country, who saw their buddies die next to them, to keep us free, to let some illegal in?

f**k THAT.


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I wouldn't.. Alot of Vietnam vets and other war veterans are Homeless.. So you'll be kicking out people who went to war for this country, who saw their buddies die next to them, to keep us free, to let some illegal in?

f**k THAT.
what? are you serious. i would think the U.S would be taking care of their war veterans, and if they're not then thats pretty f**ked up. i don tknow any veterans thats why i dont know.

Mr. Jollypants

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what? are you serious. i would think the U.S would be taking care of their war veterans, and if they're not then thats pretty f**ked up. i don tknow any veterans thats why i dont know.
Nope.. Government doesn't really help em.. Some new organizations are, but the government thinks once they go homeless, it's hard as hell to find em.


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Nope.. Government doesn't really help em.. Some new organizations are, but the government thinks once they go homeless, it's hard as hell to find em.

couldn't they try reaching the government instead of just choosing to be homeless?
or maybe build a small kart and sell corn on the street, or maybe sell paletas?
or maybe mow some lawn? i dont know, they could just stand outside homedepo and wait for someone to hire them for cheap labor. there is alot of things they could be doing if their on government isnt willing to help em out instead of just being homeless. i mean, they got SSN, and all the same rights that you can i have. i know there's free housing, that would take care of the homeless part. they could also try McDonalds, should be easy to get hired there.


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my parents we're illgeal untill the like the early 80's many things have changed since then so its harder for immigrants to become legal...


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i think to some degree it is our duty to help them...lets not forget we have helped to create poverty all over the world...not all of it...but our hands are bloody
bullshit... you can not punish a nation of people for conditions they are not guilty of.. i have not done anything to make Mexico a shitty place to live.. therefore logically.. i should not have to bare the financial burden.

and i completely agree with you about this country having lazy asses...i get 300 bucks taken out from each of my paychecks to pay for some lazy f**k who doesnt want to work. but for you to say that illegals are taking the jobs of uneducated Americans....cmon
why is it so hard to fathom that a high school dropout that cant find a job COULD be washing the dishes at a local restaurant INSTEAD of some illegal immigrant... there's really nothing confusing or hard to understand about that.. :what:

if you want to kick poeple out...i would much rather kick out a useless american and bring in a hardworking foreignger if were going on that theory.
a useless person is a useless matter if theyre my race, color, nationality, whatever.
the difference is SUPER easy to understand.. our laws state that the American who IS a citizen of this nation is granted certain rights... these rights to NOT apply to border jumping illegals.. you cant kick people out of a country for being "lazy"

why would you want to kick out a hardworking immigrant so that a lazy uneducated American can then have his job only to have this American complaint about pay rate, and hours, and working conditions...cause you know that's what would happened if we were to do what you stated in your previous post.
because maybe the government could get involved and use it as a way to offset all these financial lending hands our government has out..

example: instead of taking some a*****e on welfare and giving them food stamps.. and giving them rent breaks.. make working at least part time a requirement... so they generate at least some income and if the government INSISTS on helping.. the amount they have to help is less... BUILD A SYSTEM that PUNISHES the lazy instead of rewarding them... by taking illegal immigrants out of low paying jobs and FORCING poorly educated Americans to work them you FORCE them to strive again.. they are no longer simply handed a check every month.. by having to go to work they see and experience what it takes to actually MAKE money...

then your 'healthy' salad at Mickey D's would coast 10 bucks a pop.
i don't eat fast food.. but your statement is untrue... if you remove illegal workers and hire Americans sure you might have to pay them a little more.. but no one is saying form a labor union for the people who scoop french frys at your local theme park.. they will still be low paying jobs.. just like there are low paying jobs now..


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homeless people are not useless... people who leech are..


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I wouldn't.. Alot of Vietnam vets and other war veterans are Homeless.. So you'll be kicking out people who went to war for this country, who saw their buddies die next to them, to keep us free, to let some illegal in?

f**k THAT.
ok so i lost i had typed so heres my points in short.

^^^^i never meant veterans to be useless...if thats whom you thought of then the problem is yours not mine.

about occivic's post.
you cant force someone to have ajob or have goals....if you kick out people and try to force these other lazy f**ks to work....chances are theyll turn to crime to keep making eays money.

for you to say that a hs dropout cant find a job cause of an immigrant is having imagination and using exceptions as rules....never have i met anyone who cant find a job if theyre truly looking for one. maybe the majority of these hs dropouts cant find a job for the same reasons theyre dropouts.

and yeah chances are YOU may not have done anything but as a country we have. your theory is stating that we as individuals should not be responsible for things we dont then dont tax me cause i have never had unemployment, being to an emergency room, used ss benefits....dont try to recruit me for war cause i ve never started problems with Iraq....etc etc. it doesnt matter what you did or not do...youre an American and you and so i have have benefited from the decisions they have made. i dont deny that however...theres a point where benefits arent as important as the conditions of life that those who we benefit from live under.


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about occivic's post.
you cant force someone to have ajob or have goals....if you kick out people and try to force these other lazy f**ks to work....chances are theyll turn to crime to keep making eays money.
then they will be dealt with for breaking the law... just like illegal immigrants should be..

for you to say that a hs dropout cant find a job cause of an immigrant is having imagination and using exceptions as rules....never have i met anyone who cant find a job if theyre truly looking for one. maybe the majority of these hs dropouts cant find a job for the same reasons theyre dropouts.
i was going by what you said... if immigrants account for SO much work that it would matter if we kicked them out.. then that LOGICALLY means that they must do a f**k load of work.. we have an unemployment issue.. hmm unemployment.. lack of jobs.. hmm.. not enough jobs.. well we better start by looking at who DOES have a job.. and well if anything that you said is true.. then that means if we take ALL those people ILLEGALY working and get them the f**k out... then that would mean that you would now have a surpluss of jobs.. needing to be filled... and that whole thing about well now it would cost too much.. that is a POOR excuse.. and heres why.. you could say the same thing about ANY quality factor that dictates cost to a business.. think about all the money spent on safety s**t in the work place.. you COULD remove all that s**t and save a ton of money.. just like you can use illegal immigrants to save money.. but the reality is those options are both wrong..

and yeah chances are YOU may not have done anything but as a country we have. your theory is stating that we as individuals should not be responsible for things we dont then dont tax me cause i have never had unemployment, being to an emergency room, used ss benefits....dont try to recruit me for war cause i ve never started problems with Iraq....etc etc. it doesnt matter what you did or not do...youre an American and you and so i have have benefited from the decisions they have made. i dont deny that however...theres a point where benefits arent as important as the conditions of life that those who we benefit from live under.
i agree with everything in red..

secondly.. bullshit.. i have not benifited at all from being american... i have benifited from the WORK i have put again.. i TOTALLY disagree with "Social services" such as unemployment... i can manage my money just fine.. i would LOVE to opt out of social security..

you seem to be very pro illegal immigrants.. heres what i say to that.. THINK for one moment what would happen if we turned a complete blind eye to it.. and just let anyone slip through the borders.. you would have SO many more problems... drugs, attacks, more people leaching off of our socialistic government...less resources to spread over more people... what if for a moment we didnt deport people.. do you think for one f**king second there are enough resources, land, money, and jobs for anyone who would wonder in? no of course not.. it would be a f**king mess.. one of the KEY issues i have with immigration is that.. you NEED to control who is able to come live here... and i say this from a simply logical standpoint....

think you say illegals do jobs that no american wants...
we think this because the education level is low..
well how about the children they have.. what jobs are they taking?
how about THOSE childrens children....

once illegals are rooted here.. having children you add MORE mouths to feed.. more wallets to fill... and eventually there is not enough to go around.. and at that point.. you have a problem that is not fixable..

f**k all this war all over the world bullshit.. spend that money and effort making our borders safe.. put them on f**king lock down.. want to come to america? do it legally.. so that s**t can be managed... i am FAR from pro government... but if you just think about illegal immigration for a moment.. and all the things it will eventually effect.. its a FAR bigger problem than you initially see...

and EVEN beyond that.. ever think about how much of that money that is ILLEGALLY earned actually stays in america? NOT MUCH... most of it is shipped out of the country back to poor familys... so now you have people earning american money
shipping it OUT of the country
being SPENT back into OTHER nations...



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well, unless someone starts shooting beaners at the border it'll stop. meanwhile, watch america transform.


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oc: i never said let them come in all free roaming and s**t in hordes.....all i ever argue for is to give them credit for what they contribute which is a lot. i agree with a f**king fence....electrify it for all i care....but if youre gonna do that...then take a look at your foreign policy and amended so that we stop f**king other countries over and this way people wont be needing to come here.

and i know some countries are f**ked up cause of corruption and not us but a lot are messed up economically cause of our foreing policy...which goes something like...

1 for you.....20 for me......f**k you...f**k you....and f**k you too.......dont do anything or ill bomb you.


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on another note....anthony.....why does your sig always say sin motorsports but ive never a site link to it or anything...what is it?


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i love it! Do that in california please

Astheros;1971398and melt.......can you get your facts from somewhere else other than a hick website put up by one man. s**t i can post up some info myself online and i guess then people can use it as a reputable source for information...cmon man.[/QUOTE said:
i can post countless other sites of people who have land along the border and have been forced to abandon it. mr99si is doing a fairly good job of throwing up links so far.

sure .... created by one man, but has many news links and much documentation about the damage occuring in the arizona desert

on another note....anthony.....why does your sig always say sin motorsports but ive never a site link to it or anything...what is it?
its his car club.

got traction

i rock the sohc
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i wonder how many people on cc are illegal immigrants.. :lol:


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I think if they get caught in the US they shouldn't be kicked out but they need to be naturalized that way they will have to pay taxes and everything else but no deportation.


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I think if they get caught in the US they shouldn't be kicked out but they need to be naturalized that way they will have to pay taxes and everything else but no deportation.
Wait wait wait... so if they are caught breaking a Federal Law they should not be punishied? :lol: yeah ok and if i kill someone i want a slap on the hand instead of life in prision.....

Oh and Anthony pretty much somes it all up....His ideas are right on point with mine.
