The "I'm-Bored-And-There's-Nothing-To-Do-But-Stay-Home" Thread


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amej8 said:
Man oh man do I hate you people that live down south and still have good weather. I can't wait until I can wash my car then move it into the shade and give her a nice wax. She hasn't been waxed for years and years now.
Man oh man does it feel great to still be able to wear shorts 2-3 days of the week. It was 40ish today, but I felt it was too cold to wash/wax my car. I guess I'll try tomorrow when the high is 66 and low is 55.. Unless it rains :???:

I really dont see how you guys up north do it :lol:..


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NOFX said:
I've thought about getting a winter car... but it's going to be one way only.

I'll want to keep it clean.

If I don't want to keep it clean, I don't want to drive it.
The weather doesn't make it easy to take care of a car in the winter and the salt just eats away at it. That is why you get a winter beater because you don't care about it and get rid of it when you no longer need it.

I take care of my Dodge Mechanically I just spent $200 on it last week but as far as the exterior goes no way. I only paid $1500 for it and I want to be able to walk away from it whenever.

Can't wait to get the Civic out in the spring. At least in the better weather when there is nothing to do I can go for a drive. I guess you can do that in the winter but it is not the same.


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DjTripp said:
aight, do any of y'all do this?

I go to a lot of places alone. To me it seems as though America can't go anywhere alone or "wouldn't be caught dead at x place" alone. Me I got no problem with it. I've gone to the movies alone, to coffee alone, Barnes & Noble just to read alone....I went to this fancy restaurant called the Prado alone (for lunch)....I even went to the symphony this past weekend alone. I don't know, I just don't have a problem with it.

I don't do this always, but as this thread title states, there are just nights where I want to get out so I figure why not?
I'm not that extreme but I go out places alone. Like Wal-Mart when I'm bored to look at stuff, or Wegmans when I'm hungry and want some snacks, fast food places in between classes and sit in and eat alone, etc. But I don't go to movies and such alone. I don't really get into the socializing part when I go out alone (if that makes sense).

Sundown said:
Man oh man does it feel great to still be able to wear shorts 2-3 days of the week. It was 40ish today, but I felt it was too cold to wash/wax my car. I guess I'll try tomorrow when the high is 66 and low is 55.. Unless it rains :???:

I really dont see how you guys up north do it :lol:..
You suck... And actually winter's aren't that bad. Since I have to go to class 3/7 days of the week, I'm outside alot during those days so I get used to the cold, even when it's in the 20's and feels like it's in the 10's. I don't wear a coat sometimes with just a long sleeve shirt :what:. Get used to it after a while.

Oh man I can't WAIT til the first day of a warm spring day. I'm gonna be out washing the car and waxing that baby.


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Zenray said:
I feel you I went to books-a-million today reading magazines byself for like an hour. Was more fun than i thought. I am thinking am going to start doing that more
I'm telling that I'm older, I find a peace about being alone and doing stuff alone. Plus I meet some pretty interesting people alone...they are always amazed that "i'm so young and alone"


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I never "meet" anyone when I'm out alone lol. The only time I've really met people were people I know when I go to the mall and such while they're working. We stop and chat for a while and then I'm off and that's the only socializing I do when I'm out alone. But there's this one girl that I used to like and she works at Abercrombie so when I go in there, most of the time she's working so I stop by and chat for a little bit ;). I'm not trying to spark things up with her, I'm just bored and need stuff to do, especially talk to someone because I sit at home most of the time and the only talking I do is with my parents or my g/f over the phone.


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when I went to the Prado, this gorgeous woman sat at my table (didn't ask, just sat) and started asking "are you alone"

Me: " yes...can I help you?"
Woman: "just amazing that you are one eats alone"
M: "Oh, well I do! hehe"
W: "how old are you?"
M: (at the time) "21"
W: "wow. that's really great that people can just enjoy time alone"
M: "um, thanks? hehe"

Anyway, we talked for about 12 mins. told me her name was Sarah and that she was there with her brother...she suddenly remembered she had left him there (the reason she saw me was because she went to the bathroom and noticed me)

It was weird but very cool at the same time


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i would so feel... intruded upon. i don't like speaking to strangers, and there's no way i would welcome a conversation out of nowhere. :what:

i guess i'm just that unfriendly.


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I would feel intruded upon too but if the person was nice like DjTripp's scenario, then I'd feel alittle better. But if the girl tried to flirt with me or get my number or something, THEN I would be like "okay wtf you need to leave now".

I've never had anyone talk to me though about anything like that.


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our new neighbors sparked up a conversation the other night. :what: but they're neighbors. feels different somehow.


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Akiahara96 said:
i would so feel... intruded upon. i don't like speaking to strangers, and there's no way i would welcome a conversation out of nowhere. :what:

i guess i'm just that unfriendly.
Nah....its just because your from cali.....Go there almost every year...heard to find the hospitality out there. :lol:


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^^ sure am!

I don't know, i just like meeting people. This other night I went to the symphony and sat next to this older couple...real nice people. They too were also amazed that "I was so young but cultured" because I went to the symphony. I don't know about cultured but I just like it.

Plus the symphony i went to was conducted by John Williams

John Williams = composer who created the music to Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Terminator, Titanic, Harry Potter, Schindler's List, ET, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, etc etc etc. Nothing like hearing the tunes to Indy and Star Wars live!


Dude wheres my honda
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Sundown said:
Man oh man does it feel great to still be able to wear shorts 2-3 days of the week. It was 40ish today, but I felt it was too cold to wash/wax my car. I guess I'll try tomorrow when the high is 66 and low is 55.. Unless it rains :???:

I really dont see how you guys up north do it :lol:..
Man it sure feels good today. If I hadnt washed my car yesterday I woulld wash it today.


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Trbolvrcrx said:
Man it sure feels good today. If I hadnt washed my car yesterday I woulld wash it today.
Seriously man, kids were having watergun/waterballoon fights in my parents neighborhood.. I actually got kinda hot today, and had to go down to the t-shirt, jean shorts and adidas sandals :lol:..


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Possibility of snow on tuesday night... ewwww


True Life:I drive a Civic
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anyone ever get that badluck where the weather never sucks until after you wash your car????the weather in NY hasnt been that bad lately. so yesterday i decided to wash my car and vacuum the interior. i walk into the house to a news report that their will be a 90-100% chance of snow on wednesday


Dude wheres my honda
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Haha I remembered it was like last week that three schools closed because of possable ice on the bridges. It was more like sleet for less than an hour. Here if the weather man (James Span) says its gonna snow its gonna be clear skies and all the schools shut down. Haha kinda funny.


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Supposed to get 6-12" of snow tonight. Bad snow storms coming through NYS apparently. And supposed to continue throughout tomorrow and possibly night too.

Good God I hope classes get canceled Thursday and Friday at my local community college. But I doubt they will because I live in a f**king rich town that can afford the f**king huge ass plow trucks that dump salt at the same time. The only reason why I hate living in my town at winter.... For a few years I didn't have one single snow day back in high school even when we had feets of snow just because the roads were always nice and plowed and salted.


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i just saw on the news that one place got 141 inches of snow, in TEN days?!?!

AHH! scary!


toaster oven
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i'm hardly ever bored at home. too much to do! books, computer, games, chores, etc. i guess it deosn't hurt that i'm at work 10 hours a day (with every other friday off) and busy on the weekends. i miss the days when it's a lil slower =)
